A beautiful house church between Joseph Im & Grace Ahn

God established a beautiful House Church between Joseph Im (Kwang Ju 1, Korea) and Grace Ahn (UIC, Chicago) on the bright sun shining afternoon on October 11, 2014 at Chicago UBF.  Around 400 guests from Korea, Canada, NY, and many parts of USA blessed this house church. Pastor Ron blessed them with 1 Cor 13: 4, “ Love is patient, love is kind….” If they are patient and kind to each other in love, God will be with them. When God is with them no one and nothing will hinder them to serve the salvation work.

When Joseph Im was ready to go anywhere and anytime through God’s training, the Lord brought him to USA. and  his parents names are Jangbin and Guisoon Im from Korea for the wedding.

Grace Ahn, the first daughter of fruitful missionary James and Anna Ahn has been an exemplary second generation missionary and now is a Ph.D student in psychology. UIC coworkers and several teams blessed them with their special songs. Mother Barry, Mi Sook Kim (Kwnag Ju 1), Dr. Augustine Sohn, Dr. Charles Kim and P. Kevin Albright prayed for them followed by P. Abraham Kim’s benediction. May God bless them to prosper and bear much fruit as a missionary house church that feed God’s flocks.