Edward & Irma Established a beautiful House Church!

"On September 28 God established a beautiful House Church between Edward and Irma Papabathini (NEIU, Chicago).

When Edward came to UBF for the first time sometime 20 years ago, he was a Mather high school boy whose Math teacher was M. David Choi who influenced him a lot. His late father had been a church planter who entrusted his son in UBF NEIU ministry.  M. Joseph & Maria Ahn have cared for him as his spiritual parents in Chicago.  He had slowly and steadily grew up to be a steward of NEIU campus ministry while he worked as a professor at DePaul University. Irma came to UBF by herself more than a decade ago when she was thirsty and tired in her spirit. She endured many hardships during the storms of her life but she grew in the love and grace of Jesus all the more. By God's providence they are united after they prayed many years receiving much prayer support and encouragement especially by M. Daniel Kim, the former coordinator of NEIU who even invited him as a fellowship leader of his fellowship. After they got married, the first words to all coworkers who prayed for them were as follows:

"Thank you for your love and prayers!  God's blessing is grand and we are forever grateful and thankful to our Lord!  Love in Christ, Edward and Irma."

Please pray for this couple to be a shepherds' house church for NEIU, North America, and the entire world mission!