Baptism Celebration, Waterloo UBF, Canada

On Sunday, August 17, 2014, Waterloo UBF celebrated the baptism of four children of God: Emily, Leah, Taylor and Sophie at Paradise Lake, about 20 minutes from Waterloo. Each of them shared a very real testimony of God's work in their lives, redeeming and rescuing them from darkness. After this, they were baptized by Joshua and Andy in the waters of Paradise Lake. This is the fruit of the ministry of the word of God through Luke and Romans study. Andy's parents graciously allowed us to hold the worship and baptism service on their property beside the lake. We give thanks and praise to God for the honor of walking alongside these four people as God works out His good purposes for their lives. We believe that He who began a good work in them will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Please pray for them to follow the Lord Jesus and live by faith in Him whatever may come in the future.