Western Canada UBF Summer Bible conference, 2014

"Dry bones, Hear the Word of God!"

Praise God who blessed the second Western Canada UBF summer Bible conference. From August 15-17, God granted us to have the conference at University of British Columbia (UBC), Okanagan campus in beautiful and sunny Kelowna, BC. This time, all of the Western Canadian UBF chapters gathered together: Edmonton, Calgary, Victoria, Evanston, UBC and Vancouver UBF. A total of 58 people attended the conference including the guests (S. Terry Lopez and his family from LA UBF, S. Marcel Rodney from Montreal UBF, S. Erick Lopez from Chicago UBF).  God granted this wonderful opportunity to get together, hear His words and have mutually encouraging fellowship with one other in Christ.

The conference theme was 'Dry bones, Hear the Word of God!' based on Ezekiel 37.  Based on that theme, God really worked in each and everyone's heart to let them hear the word of the Lord and be revived to become a living army of God. 

God raised various messengers and testimony sharers from Western Canada.  Daniel Kwon Jr, John Koo and Steven Sinclair from Vancouver UBF, Arnold Wong and David Chang from Edmonton UBF, Terry Lopez from LA UBF and Marcel Rodney from Montreal UBF. We thank God who raised them as the messengers to touch all of us. God also raised seven life testimony sharers: Thomas and Marvelle from Vancouver UBF, Chris Gu, Meris Liborio and Petra Lee from Edmonton UBF, Peter Lopez from LA UBF and Eric Lopez from Chicago UBF.

On the 2nd day night, there was a vigil, a time of devotion and calling.  God really moved everyone's heart, especially the hearts of young students to repent and boldly come up to the front and make a decision of faith to give their hearts and lives to Jesus' calling.  It was a beautiful and powerful scene and the great work of God.  Almost 30 people (most of them were students) came up to the front and renewed their faith in Jesus Christ and made a decision to devote their lives for Western Canadian campus mission and world mission.  Thank and praise God!

We saw that God is the God of hope and power. He has been with his servants in Western Canadian UBF and is using us to expand his kingdom on campuses in Western Canada and the world. God revived missionaries through his word to live as the army of God. Even though we have many challenges and difficulties we could be filled with the hope and power of God to continue to teach the gospel of Jesus and raise disciples of Jesus among campus students. 

Especially, thank God for working mightily in the hearts of students of Western Canada to hear God's words and accept God's calling to live as Jesus' disciples and the Bible teachers through this conference. Some of them are now participating in teaching ministry and some of them faithfully and regularly study the Bible and attend Sunday worship service. We pray to have another summer Bible conference in 2016 and invite more students. May God bless our one to one ministry and raise Jesus’ disciples. Amen!