Update from David Kim in Tempe

We just want to let you know that the most recent CT scan does not show any cancer spot. It means that the 2.4cm residual of cancer disappeared after alcohol ablation. The doctor is going to check every three months and administer treatments accordingly. Someone said, "The meaning of life is in planting trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit." Well, we spent almost 40 years in UBF planting trees as shepherds and missionaries. I also spent 15 years at Banner Medical Center planting trees as an RN. Now M. Ruth and I are sitting in the shades of those trees as we depend on them for spiritual and medical care for us. We have the best shepherds like you and numerous prayer warriors in the world and the best doctors and nurses at Banner Medical Center. There is great solace in that we are also trying to have resurrection faith and therein is our greatest joy and peace of God.

We are going to visit Korea from October 2-25. All my brothers and some friends want to visit us from Korea but we stopped them because it's easier for us to visit and see them. All my doctors approved my trip. Meanwhile, Sh. Moses Kim (Anam UBF) gave me an opportunity to deliver Sunday message on October 12. It's a great privilege and honor for me. Please pray for me to prepare my Korean message by faith and glorify God's name only. Thank you and we are abundantly grateful for all of your support and prayer!!

Indebted servants, Ruth & David Kim