North York UBF Annual Report

North York UBF
March 24, 2014

Have Faith in God

We thank God for leading and blessing our North York UBF in 2013 based on our annual key verse Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”

We began the year 2013 with a few prayer topics: 1) to have a spiritual vessel in Jesus’ love; 2) For each co-worker to raise one disciple so that a total of 12 disciples could be raised; 3) To raise one committed steward. Looking back on God’s work in 2013, we give thanks to God who has helped us and encouraged us through his words and his blessings, although we often grieved God in our weaknesses and sins.

I. 2013 Annual Review

God’s servants’ visited us and we had fellowship in God’s word. Sh. Joshua Lee of Deajun UBF Korea came to serve us with Bible studies in Ezekiel 2-3, Zechariah 4, 2 Corinthians 4, and Ezra 7. Dr. Joseph and Esther Chung of Uganda visited us on the way to attend the ISBC. His mission report greatly inspired us to serve God humbly and wholeheartedly. After ISBC, M. Daniel Jung, M. John Kim and two 2nd gens from Japan visited us. M. Daniel Rhee of South Africa visited us and served us with God word from John 4:27-42. Dr. Mark Yang from Chicago visited us and serve us with a marathon Bible study on the whole book of Philippians. Through this study we learned the importance of Christ-centered life.

In 2013 we studied Matthew’s gospel, Ephesians, and Nehemiah. We prayed and committed ourselves to fishing and one to one Bible study. Joel Fast, Jon-Marc Hennie, Elijuah Alderete, Sarah Emtege, Jessica Poirier, Kevin McQuarrie, Iain Ching, Alice Liang, Gabriella Friesen, Chen Chen and Rebekah Ellis studied the Bible faithfully throughout the year.

In March we had a retreat. The theme of the retreat was to revitalize our life of faith with the title, “Alive,” based on John 15:1-17. We learned that to be alive spiritually we must abide in Jesus the Vine as branches. Amanda Vance, Jon-Marc Hennie, Elijah Alderete, Joel Fast, Kamil, Kevin McQuarrie, Rebekah Elise and Alice Liang attended the retreat. These students participated in the activities positively and struggle with God’s words by writing reflection sincerely.

To prepare the summer conference we had a prayer chain and joined the Canada chorus presentation of “Shepherd Boy.” Gabriella Friesen, Raquel Narvaez, Alice Liang, Jessica Liang, Iain Ching, Joel Fast, Jon-Marc Hennie, Nkirote Kirime attended it and were greatly inspired by the conference.

UTSC team co-workers started the September ministry with club-booth fishing. Many students signed up for the club. After three days of club-booth fishing, they then went out fishing diligently and Luisa, Jessica, James, Markus and Josh came to one to one Bible study at to our UTSC Bible house.

Looking back on 2013, we can see clearly that in his great mercy and grace, God made us one in spirit. And although we failed many times to engage in the service of God, God has given us the signs of spiritual revival among us. S. Louis Perdomo returned to North York UBF, after experiencing deep heart-pain and aimless life. God also helps our young leaders and second gens to recognize the importance of unity. They began to have stewardship to serve God and his work. God has taught us the true meaning of “Church,” the body of Christ.

II. 2014 Vision and Strategy

This year, our ministry key verse is Mark 11:22, “’Have faith in God,’ Jesus answered.” Instead of hanging on to our own limited wisdom and strength and falling into despair, by faith in God Almighty, we would like to challenge many different mountains such as (1) for each one to be sanctified, (2) raising up 12 young new Bible teachers, (3) for our younger and older church members to work together with one heart and spirit, and (4) serving and supporting world mission work. Amen.

Paul Lee
