Manhattan UBF News from M. Caleb Kang

Manhattan UBF, USA
March 25, 2014

Easter 2014 is around the corner. I am praying for the Easter ministry. I am looking forward to what God will do for us through our prayers.

We, Manhattan UBF, have had many changes. Just before 2013 ISBC, my family moved to Princeton, NJ which is one hour driving time from Manhattan. Then for six months, we wandered here and there to worship the Lord in Manhattan. We went to NYU library or a Starbucks coffee shop on Sunday. There we read the Bible together. Sometimes my heart was scattered into pieces.

When I look back on my eight years of missionary life in our Manhattan apartment, it was a living place with prayers, tears, sorrows and joy. I have struggled to do the work of God there. Also, there I took rest after a long daily struggle in the desert-like city.

Now I have just passed my mid 40s. I realized that at this age God sends me out to this wild business world. I believe that it is God’s training of my faith, in order to mold me into a strong and faithful servant of God. I began to pray all the more welcoming his vision and hope.
In the course of time, however, it was the Lord who fed and consoled my shriveled and frozen heart with timely and proper Daily Bread every morning. He woke me up at four or five a.m. M. John Park encouraged me to come to his Bible house to pray together. M Paul Jose Ahn shared his precious Daily Bread meditation with seasonal photos. Thank God for all his provisions through many servants of God!

After we moved to Princeton, we prayed that the apartment in Manhattan would be a tent for many students. I hoped that this one small apartment would be filled with spiritual men and women increasing the number of houses. We prayed and hoped that the land of Manhattan would be the place of godly people through this tent.

How can we do these greater things with this small apartment? I know that this is nothing but a small jar of oil for a widow (2King 4). It is like five loaves and two fish for the disciples. However, Elisha blessed the jar of oil to fill up all the empty jars that were in her house (2King 4). Also Jesus fed 5000 men with five loaves and two fish. If I bring this apartment to the Lord, then can he do something greater with this house, making a creative space for the work of God?
I hope and will pray for it. Amen.
Now we are praying for Easter 2014. I am looking for a place for worship. I don’t know what will happen. I don’t know how God will help us. I cannot but expect his mighty works.
I pray that God may raise up Manhattan UBF again in this Easter of 2014.
In the city of New York,

Caleb Kang
