Ottawa UBF 2014 Vision and Strategy

Ottawa UBF, Canada
March 26, 2014


Deuteronomy 6:5 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."

I thank God who gave me a clear life direction and a true mission to be faithful with a few things to do before God based on my talents that He gave me. It frees me from the burden of mission. I was very much stressed out from the past years due to my own zeal and human passion to make the ministry big or raise many disciples. However, now I have freedom and peace in my heart because of the mission that I have found newly for the next 35 years to “be faithful with a few things.”

This year 2014 is just a beginning of 35 more years. The next 35 years is a long way to go, but it is very simple. I need to be faithful with a few things. Whenever God sends me a sheep, I just need to do one to one Bible study and share with him what I learned from the passage through sharing my personal reflection. In Ottawa UBF there are not many Bible teachers and we do not have a big capacity to come up with many programs. However, we can do small things starting from one to one Bible study with a few students. Then, I believe that God will raise disciples of Jesus and help us bear fruit. It is the way of loving the Lord my God. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 is known as the Shema. It has become the Jewish confession of faith that is recited daily. It portrays how to love the Lord our God practically. The point is to study His words/commands and obey them and put them into practice, with our whole being. We are made in God’s image. We are made to love as God loves. God commands us to love Him because He designed us to love Him. Love for God is always accompanied by love for others. If someone does not know Christ, his greatest need is for the gospel. This year I may study God’s words (Matthew’s Gospel) diligently as an expression of loving God, and spend 20 hours a week for message preparation and deliver His message on Sundays, continue to write a personal reflection based on weekly passages and share it with Bible students.

One word: Be faithful with a few simple things!

Dr. Samuel D. Lee
