Auburn UBF 2014 Annual Key Verse

Auburn UBF, AL, US
March 26, 2014

Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Last year’s key verse was based on Philippians Ch 2:1-11. The key word was the “attitude” of Jesus Christ. Based on this key word, I could learn what my attitude should be before God through Bible Study and how important it is to come to God and coworkers just as I am. We started the year 2013 with a new missionary family: John and Helen Eom’s family (John & Joseph Eom: 2 sons) from Namsan center. It was a great pleasure to have a mature coworking family to learn each other. We studied the book of Romans first, while focusing on two key words – “Gospel” and “Grace” from the perspective of Romans. We decided to pick two important key words representing the book most relevantly whenever we studied a new book of the Bible. We kept these key words in mind all through the semester and shared our testimonies after we finished the book. Then we moved on to the book of “Exodus”, while focusing on these words: “God’s way” and “worship” from the perspective of the book of Exodus. We learned how God carried the Israelites from the land of slavery in Egypt on eagles’ wings in his own way and taught them true worship. God had great hope upon them to teach them how blessed it is to experience God’s presence and be led by Him. I could learn personally the faith life through Moses’ prayer (Ex 33:13). “If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you.” Moses had difficulty in leading the stiff-necked people so often, but he came to God and asked God to teach him so he might know God’s ways.

This year we’d like to learn the “kingdom of heaven” and “who is blessed” before God through Matthew Bible study. When we previewed Matthew for two key words, we learned that Jesus came to this world to invite each one of us to the kingdom of heaven. Jesus tried to demonstrate the kingdom of heaven in many different ways so that every person who comes to him understands and accepts it gladly. Through sincere Bible study we’d like to grow in our spirit together so that we may be faithful servants of God to serve the students from “Auburn University” and “Southern Union Community College” with Bible study and Sunday worship service. We pray that God may bless each one of us to be a wise builder of each life and ministry, who builds his house on the solid rock, Jesus Christ, not on sand.

May God bless Auburn ministry so that we may make good progress in learning the Bible together and inviting students from campus. These are the key verses for this year: James Oh (Matthew 5:3), Eunice Oh (John 15:7,8), John Eom (Isaiah 50:4) and Helen Eom (Psalm 1:2,3). We are also praying for L. John Eom’s college application this year.

Dr. James Oh