Vancouver I UBF 2014 Direction Prayer Topics

Vancouver I UBF, Canada
March 28, 2014

Love God with Your all Heart, Soul and Strength

Deut. 6:5 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”

I chose Deut. 6:5, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” In 2013, I received a lot of grace from God in serving one to one and Sunday worship service. But I did not pray much. I did not get up early in the morning. I did not take care of M. Anna and my two sons well. I did not pray for our church members deeply. I just enjoyed Bible study and my work. Through Daniel’s not getting interview for medical school, my children’s struggles and church’s stagnancy in some ways were big blows to me and I realized that I was lazy and complacent. God is right. He is good. He loves his chosen people and disciplines them. I chose Deut. 6:5 because my problem is that I didn’t love God wholeheartedly.

As I prayed, I set a number “1-15-20-25” for our church. All our church members may read the whole Bible, serve 15 students weekly, pray for at least 20 minutes daily and 25 attendees for Sunday worship service. Personally I set my heart on praying to God every morning, ten one to one and serving church members and loving my family.

Dr. Daniel Kwon
