Cerritos UBF 2013 Annual Report

Cerritos UBF, US
March 31, 2014

Mark 1:35 “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

The work of God in 2013

The Lord has been gracious this year in so many ways. By God’s grace, God gave us an opportunity to start Cerritos UBF and pioneer Cerritos campus. God gave us a house church that is within five minutes walking distance from the campus. Missionary Samuel and Pristine’s family joined this ministry. We started having Daily Bread and personal prayer time each morning at 5:30 am and each evening at 8:30 pm in order to pray for all nations and make disciples in Cerritos College.

We started this New Year with a three-day fast. Nine people joined in on this fast in the mountains. This year I struggled to be faithful to devote myself to Morning Prayer at 5:30 am and evening prayer at 8:30 pm, twice a day, as instructed in Mark 1:35. Although I work six days a week, I was able to serve the Sunday message every week sincerely by His grace. God helped all of us to continue attending our twice-a-day prayer meeting and memorize the Word of God.

We also tried to focus more on the fishing journey and to raise disciples this year. Samuel Seon and I go fishing after work, and Sarah Jeong and Pristine Seon go fishing during the daytime. God sent us sheep that have spiritual desire: Aurora, Gabriela, Roger, Andrea, Ruben, Isaac, Ricky, Jonathan, Jacob, Justine, Jennifer, Jacquelene, Joanna, and Maritza.

First, Bible study. God blessed us to study Mark’s gospel. God helped our Bible students to meet Jesus in person through Mark’s gospel. Most of our Bible students didn’t attend church. It was the first time for many of the students to hear the gospel message through one to one Bible study and Sunday worship service. On Christmas, we had a Christmas special message and a Bible quiz about the book of Mark. It was a good time for us to review Mark’ gospel.
We had a special Bible series for seven weeks on the book of Revelation from chapters two to three to learn about the “Seven Churches.”

Second, one to one and a disciple-making ministry. We are two families, and three of the four missionaries have a full-time job. Msn. Sarah Jeong is able to fully devote her time to only Bible students. She invites Bible students constantly and has 12 Bible students. God sent sincere Bible students, those who don’t know the gospel. God sent Aurora as a faithful servant in the ministry to serve as the presider for our Sunday worship services. She started with Msn. Sarah in the book of Genesis and then John and Mark. Aurora writes a testimony every week and receives training on how to serve others. She prepares Bible notes and brought her sister Gabriela as well. Aurora will be a mother of faith in Cerritos College.

Gabriela accepted the Creator God through the book of Genesis and grows as a disciple in Mark’s gospel. Roger has been studying the books of John, Genesis, and Exodus. He wants to be a father of faith in Cerritos College. He received the word of God with eagerness and has a hope of becoming a Bible teacher. Ruben has been studying the Bible since 2010 before we pioneered Cerritos College. He learned the books of John, Genesis and Mark.

Third, discipleship meetings. Sarah Jeong Jr. has served this meeting, encouraging all attendants to participate in these discipleship meetings after Sunday worship service. In their group meetings, they write their testimonies according to the message and share them with each other. They also have Bible lessons through topical studies such as the power of tithing, campus witnessing, calling/God’s gift of being single, godly marriage, prayer life, and how to make time in their schedules for godly priorities. I led the brothers in a short Bible study group after worship service and prayed with them. We shared each prayer topic and direction for the coming week’s passage.

Sarah Jeong Jr. attended the Nigerian UBF summer Bible conference last year and attended this international Bible conference so that she could have a world mission vision. She serves Jennifer who attends UCLA, and is in the same grade as Sarah. Jennifer Wong attends Sunday worship service with her brother Matthew.

Fourth, Networking. After ISBC, many shepherds and shepherdesses from Korea came and had fellowship at our house. Missionary Abraham Kim and Hannah Kim from Glendale UBF came every third week on Sunday to have worship service, fellowship with us so that we may encourage one another.

Fifth, Coworking. I thank God for Msn. Samuel and Pristine’s family. They are faithful prayer servants for this ministry and support each worship service with a power point presentation that helps everyone to understand the messages better. I also thank God for Msn. Sarah Jeong. She goes to the campus to serve 12 Bible students one to one and to bring them to Sunday worship service every week. I thank God for all of our 2nd gens: Paul Cho, who serves as our praise leader, Sarah Jr., who leads discipleship meetings and also leads praise, and Debora, who corrects my grammar/English for my Sunday messages and leads prayer during services.

2014 Vision and Strategy.

Upon beginning 2014, we needed a spiritual direction from God concerning how to serve him and live according to His will. We took Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus’ Great Commission to his disciples to make disciples of all nations. We pray that we may continue to go fishing and bring Bible students to worship service. We pray that our testimony and sharing groups will be set up completely.

Prayer Topics:

1. Continue prayer meetings twice a day (5:30 am and 8:30 pm)
2. Bless Abraham Jeong’s Sunday worship service message
3. We pray for 20 committed disciples and 40 Sunday worship service attendees in four years
4. Have testimony sharing weekly with sheep sincerely

Abraham Jeong