Vancouver II UBF 2013 Annual Report

Vancouver II UBF, Canada
March 31, 2014

Look Up at the Heavens and Count the Stars

(1) Abraham’s God, our God

In 2012, we studied Genesis until September. When we studied Abraham’s faith in January, God opened our eyes and planted a strong faith in us. God said to Abraham, “Look up at the heavens and count the stars.” God lit our dark hearts and taught what the real faith and hope are. God helped us to look at God --not ourselves-- and taught us that what God really wants is not our visible and tangible fruits but our faith in Him. It was just like we studied the words for the first time. Very naturally, the words of v.6 (“Abraham believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness”) became our key verse for the New Year.

In addition, God blessed us through Missionary Philip Lee’s visit from Los Angeles in February and ISBC in August. Coworkers at Joongang chapter in Korea always pray for us and help us in many ways. Even though we had to struggle to be self-supporting and to solve other problems, God and God’s people were always faithful and gracious last year.

Stacey studied Bible steadily and God sent us a new student Stephanie in August. Stephanie received God’s word with a good attitude. She has a pure mind and likes to study the Bible. We thank God for these two students. In the fall semester, we met Byron and Eric. We have had a good relationship with Byron and have been praying for him to start Bible study.

God blessed Missionary Anna Kim to start nursing at Vancouver Community College in September. The waiting list was so long that she was expected to wait for still six months more. But our faithful God blessed her to start in September. Although her study load was heavy and she has health problems, she has been successful so far.

Our son, Little John Kim, had a hard time because of university entrance. His parents had a hard time because of him. Through this, we came to know the importance of spiritual education (faith) for the second generation missionaries. However, through ISBC and Bible study, he was restored. Especially at ISBC, he could meet many pious people from the world and he learned about the importance of faith. From last September, we have been studying Matthew’s Gospel. God helps us welcome and revere Jesus as our Lord.

(2) My mission life and 2014 key verse

Personally, I had a hard and tiring time working as a baker at Tim Horton’s. The shop manager was very demanding and sometimes very unjust. I had to groan and endure. Even though God and good coworkers helped me, sometimes I had a fatalistic attitude and on one occasion I had an argument with the manager. But God won. Missionary Anna received a part-time job through my manager’s recommendation. Furthermore, because my manager regarded me highly; she said that she would employ another Korean if I quit the job.
Spiritually, I repent of not helping Dr. Kurt Grimm well. In spring semester, I could study the Bible with him regularly. But since last fall, I have not been able to help him well as a shepherd for him.

Our 2014 key verse is Matthew 9:2. When I read Matthew for Bible study, the phrase “When Jesus saw their faith” struck my eyes and mind very powerfully. We want to learn faith and go forward with faith. Faith is always the most indispensable armament for our spiritual and fruitful life. With faith, we pray to be victors in mission and life.

Prayer topics:
1. Live a victorious life by faith
2. The growth of Stacey and Stephanie (spiritual wisdom to help them)
3. The spiritual growth of Dr. Kurt
4. Missionary Anna Kim’s health and study
5. Little John Kim’s growth in faith and university admittance
6. Missionary John Kim’s success living as a self-supporting missionary

John Kim