Colorado Springs UBF 2013 Annual Report

Colorado Springs UBF US
March 31, 2014


“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24)

“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” (Romans 8:14)

I. 2013 Annual Review

Bible Study

We finished studying John's gospel in the summer. Then we studied Genesis. After that, we began to study Romans. Thank God for providing us with the word of life.

Aoenes and Jeonghun in UCCS have been studying Bible faithfully. They completed John's gospel. They are now studying Genesis. They still go to their local churches. While Jeonghun stayed in Korea during the summer break, he studied Bible, had fellowship with Korean students and attended summer Bible conference in SNU3 center. Xiaolang, a Chinese student in Colorado College, was in France during the spring semester to learn French. He came back to United States last fall and resumed Bible study. He attended our Sunday worship every week. His faith is weak. May God help him accept Jesus personally. Dysmas is in the army. He was in foreign countries most of the time. We expect he will resume Bible study soon. Tom is an old man with whom I have been talking for 5 years every week. It was hard for him to participate in normal Bible study. So, we began to discuss only one verse for a short time at each meeting. I pray that God may give him one word.

2013 International Summer Bible Conference

My family attended 2013 International Summer Bible Conference in Pennsylvania. All the messages and testimonies were very good. All the programs were well organized. Thank God for blessing the conference. God renewed my heart with the word, "Remain in me." It was very nice for us to meet coworkers from all around the world. After the conference, we joined a tour program. We had never been to the East Coast. Through this tour, we have been to New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia and Boston. I thank God for granting us to look around this area. I thank many coworkers in the East Coast for their hospitality.

Thanksgiving Topics

Parenting was the most difficult part in my house church. My son had a hard time going to school. He was very sensitive and easily hurt. My wife and I made every effort to help him, but it seemed in vain. We were really helpless. We could only pray to God for help. God listened to our prayer and worked in us. My son's condition has improved greatly. He graduated from middle school successfully and entered high school. He is now doing better than ever. I thank God for helping him.

The process for the Green Card application started in 2008 but was delayed for three years because of the recession. We filed it in 2011 but it was withdrawn because of incomplete documents. We filed it again in March 2013. I found out God was disciplining us about this matter. May God grant us permanent residency in the New Year.

II. 2014 Vision and Strategy

We were tied to parenting in 2013. We met few new students. I pray we may put more energy into preaching and making disciples in 2014. I hope we will have reflection sharing meeting with faithful Bible students. And I hope we will be able to invite more students to Sunday worship.

My key verse in 2013 was John 12:24. I should have put the truth of a kernel of wheat into practice. However, I didn't devote myself fully to the Lord. I wasted a lot of time and energy on less important things. I was much concerned with worldly matters. Though I was busy doing many things, I grieved God. I often thought there are few students who desire to follow Jesus. But the real problem is in me. I must grow and change more. May God help me dedicate myself wholeheartedly to the Lord.

My key verse in 2014 is the same as last year's. I want to obey one verse and experience the truth. I also want to learn to be led by the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Topics

1. Sunday worship message
2. 10 teams of 1:1
3. To make one Bible teacher
4. Anna and Yohan may be healthy and strong in the Lord
5. Permanent residency

One word: "If it dies"

Stephen Kim
