St. George UBF, Toronto, Canada 2014 Prayer Topics

St. George UBF, Toronto, Canada
March 31, 2014

To Live is Christ

1. 2014 Key Verse

I chose Philippians 1:21 as my key verse for 2014. It says, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” As a human being, we are severely limited by our situations and our talents. We want to do great things, but we are helpless due to our circumstances beyond our control. It is easy to get frustrated and blame others, ourselves and God. Last year, I got frustrated by my inability to help some people, and to increase our one to one Bible study numbers. Many people were limited by their jobs and families, and could not engage in one to one Bible study more actively. I complained to God to change the attitude of our coworkers and send open-hearted students. But God did not seem to answer my prayer. This passage tells me that my prayer was not a proper one. I should pray that Christ may be exalted in my life and my ministry in any circumstances.

2. Conference and Bible school plans

We will have Easter Bible symposium. We will have GTA summer Bible conference July 4-6.

3. Ministry Strategy and Prayer topic

We continue to pray for raising disciples among our growing students. Luke West will graduate from the University of Toronto and is applying for a graduate school in North America. We pray for God’s leading in this matter. If it is God’s will, he may remain in Toronto to continue to support God’s work. We pray for Sam Mukwedeya to get a suitable job in Toronto to lead praise and worship team. We pray for the restoration of M. Jacob Jang. We also pray for Paw Wah’s future direction since her husband is studying in Australia. We pray that Elizabeth Kim will go to Uganda during the summer for a short term mission trip.

Dr. Henry Kim
