Seeking God in Chicago By Grace Sambuco

Baltimore I UBF, US
April 1, 2014

Seeking God

1 Corinthians 15:3-4 “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.”

For a week in March, my senior class had the option to take a trip to Europe. I thought that I was going to take that trip, but it turned out that the cost was way too expensive for such a short time. At first, I was very disappointed, but instead I decided to go to Chicago, since I had a very good time there last summer. I also had a yearning to become closer to God, since I had recently felt very distant from Him, and I prayed that He would reveal Himself to me. I now understand why God did not allow me to go on the European trip. I realize that God had a plan for me to find something that would last forever.

I arrived in Chicago on Saturday (3/22/14) afternoon, and went to the Cook’s house near UIC. It was so nice to see Mary Clare Cook again, a good friend I met from the ISBC in the summer.

On Sunday I went to the worship service at the Chicago UBF headquarters. Pastor Ron Ward gave a very powerful message on 2 Peter 1:1-11 about living a godly life, even in the times we live in. I learned that God has given me everything I need for a godly life, if I choose to deny myself and follow Jesus and believe in his great and precious promises. I learned that I must make every effort to follow Him and to sacrifice myself out of love and for the good of others. Afterwards, I went to Mother Barry’s to have Bible Study on Exodus 1 and 2, the life of Moses before he was called by God. Mother Barry was so spiritual and wise, and so compassionate. She was very comforting and was a great teacher. In the Bible Study I accepted that, like the Israelites, I am enslaved to my problems, and look for my own answers. I pray that God may train me like he trained Moses to be a blessing and to glorify God. God is a God who remembers His promises, and I pray that I will have the faith in Him so that true hope may fill my heart.

On Monday, I worked on my Exodus testimony for a couple of hours. Sh. Jim and Helen Rarick invited me over, and I had Bible Study with Dr. Helen on 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, the gospel message. I learned and accepted so much and Dr. Helen was such a kind teacher. I opened up to her and she really encouraged me. That evening I accepted God’s almighty saving power, and that he freed me from my sins through Jesus’ death and resurrection. In my senior year I have really struggled with my sin. I was a perfectionist, and had a low self-esteem problem. I turned to other things, such as wrong relationships, in order to seek affection. I thought that I could find the answers to my inward struggles on my own. However, all of my attempts failed, leaving me feeling hurt and deceived. I felt so guilty and lost, and I felt so imprisoned to my sin. I searched desperately for freedom. So, as I said earlier, the reason I came to Chicago this spring was to seek God through the help of teachers and Bible studies, hoping that God would reveal Himself to me. By God’s grace, I was reminded of His saving power. I don’t have to be a slave to my past sins or present or future sins anymore, because Christ already died for them. He was raised, so that I can also be victorious. I thank God so much for showing Himself to me. I have made the decision to starve my sin and instead I will pursue holiness, and live for God’s glory. I pray that God will give me the strength to do so.

On Tuesday morning I went to a meeting for the UBF Headquarters website team and we studied about serving God and others. I wrote my testimony on 1 Corinthians 15 and I also wrote a book report on Hannah from a character study book on 1 Samuel. Through Hannah I learned the importance of prayer and how it brings me closer to God. Pastor Ron Ward invited me to his office and he took the time to talk with me and pray with me. He is so gentle and caring, and he really encouraged me to trust God. He gave me Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

On Wednesday morning I had a prayer meeting where I shared my 1 Corinthians testimony. After lunch, M. Deborah and I went to the Art Institute of Chicago, and it was so good to spend time with her and see all of the interesting exhibitions. Then I spent some time with Mary Cook again and we went to get cupcakes, and we talked about how thankful we both were to be in UBF, and to have such God-fearing and wise parents who can be good role models for us. Sh. Jenny took me and Mary to see the movie Son of God, which I thought was really good. The crucifixion scene was especially good, and it made me think about Jesus’ love for me. It’s amazing to know that while Jesus was suffering on the cross, he was thinking of me.

On Thursday (3/27/14) morning I stopped by Mother Barry’s and she prayed for me. Then I went back to Baltimore.

I thank God for how abundantly he blessed me on this trip. So many people prayed for me and were willing to have fellowship with me. So, on this short trip God revealed His love and forgiveness to me. I have accepted Jesus as my LORD and my deliverer. Even though I had heard the gospel message so many times, I never truly felt the freedom that it preaches until now. I pray that I will be prepared to face any difficulties with the knowledge of God’s almighty saving power. I see that God’s timing was perfect for my trip, and I thank Him for quenching my spiritual thirst. I pray that I will walk with Him forever, and that I would never forget how He saved me from my sins.

One Word: The gospel message is my foundation that sets me free.
