Baltimore 1 UBF 2014 Vision & Prayer Topics

Baltimore I UBF
April 2, 2014

Preach the Word

Key Verse: 2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage- with great patience and careful instruction.”

America is losing the gospel centered faith on which we were founded. The culture is becoming more godless at a rapid pace. But the gospel is the power of God to change the hearts of the people, beginning with our own. I pray that we may be students of the word and preach the Word which is Jesus and his gospel of forgiveness of sins through his sacrifice on the cross in our place. May God use us to preach the Word through campus fishing, 1 to 1 Bible study, message delivery and our daily life example.

Conference and Bible School Plans:
We are preparing our regional Mid-Atlantic staff conference in Lehigh to be held in February. Thank God for Lehigh coworkers hosting and may God bless us with a wonderful program with the powerful word of God. We plan to join Washington chapter for Easter conference and the Mid-Atlantic Summer Conference and Fall Harvest Festival at Washington as in past years.

Ministry Strategy:
We invite students through campus fishing. We teach them through 1:1 Bible study. Each family serves students with love and prayers, including invitations to dinner and other activities. Students who can attend YDJ meetings can grow through Bible study, testimony sharing, 6am prayer meetings, SWS music servants, conference special program preparation and eating fellowship. We also will teach the Bible 1:1 with our children and help them grow as our good coworkers for campus mission.

Prayer topics:
1) Sh. Paul, Cyril, and Ishaya to serve Sunday message with good application to welcome students and strengthen coworkers
2) Darius, Joseph, Andrew and Ishaya to grow as disciples of Jesus for JHU, Towson U. and UMB
3) Ishaya’s growth as campus shepherd and Bible messenger; better job schedule for campus mission.
4) Spiritual growth of children to join us as coworkers
5) Young Disciples of Jesus weekly meeting to grow in student participation
6) God’s healing for M. Grace Park

One Word: Preach the Word.

Paul Sambuco
