NEIU(Chicago UBF) Celebrated Easter

Chicago UBF, US
April 2, 2014

With about a month to go before Easter Sunday, NEIU celebrated early with their Easter Bible school during the NEIU spring break, March 20-22. The event was titled, “Our Glorious Hope,” based on 1 Corinthians 15. Here is a recap of what transpired.

The Gospel of the Resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

The Bible school opened on Thursday evening with messages by husband and wife duo, David and Maria Saethre. Speaking on the first part of 1 Corinthians, they explained the basis for our glorious hope—the gospel. This was followed by reflections by Philmar Mendoza and Marna Pozo, and accompanied by a solo by Moody Kim.

The Power of the Resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15:12-34

Day two continued with messages by Joe Hester and Edward Papabathini. In his message, Joe laid out the disastrous consequences of denying the resurrection and explained how the resurrection of Jesus and our resurrection are intertwined. After that, Edward spoke about the power of the resurrection and the future hope laid up for believers when Christ will come again and destroy His enemies. Capping off the night, Irma Zambrano and Steve Halbert each shared a reflection of the passage.

The Glory of the Resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15:35-58

The highlight of the Bible school came on the final day. The evening kicked off with messages by Matt Groters, Hugo Diaz, and Jason Havey who spoke on the glory of the resurrection, explaining what our future resurrection bodies will be like and why we should be abounding in the work of the Lord. Following this were reflections by Moses Flores, Nick Steen, and Annmarie Diaz. After this, Nate Turnock from Philadelphia gave his testimony. Special programs included a song by the chorus, a video drama, and a recital of 1 Corinthians 15 by memory by Daniel Kim and Daniel Shim. Finishing off the night was a dance, set to Mandisa’s “Overcomer,” in which even the audience was encouraged to participate. Dinner was served at the conclusion of the program.

Our glorious hope is found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which guarantees our own resurrection one day when we will receive new bodies, fit to live in eternity in the kingdom of God. And so we express our deepest gratitude to Him for His blessing upon us, and we trust that this Bible school glorified the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
