San Diego UBF 2014 Key Verse & Prayer Topics

San Diego UBF
April 3, 2014

Myself Was Crucified With Jesus

“For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin” (Romans 6:6)

I selected Romans 6:6 as my 2014 key verse: “For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.” In order for Christ to reign, the self must die on the cross. As time passes, I realize that I should die and Jesus should be at the center of my life, but somehow, I realize the reverse happens. Through the 2013 key verse, I prayed I might humble myself finding out and identifying myself as nothing before God, completely depending on, trusting in God and obeying his commands. But still my self is so strong that I am still full of self-pride, selfishness and other self. The world says, "Look out for yourself," but Jesus says, "Deny yourself." Without dying to myself, I can’t deny myself to accept God’s will and His command. Without dying to myself, I can’t love others since my self is always in the first place, so I chose this verse to overcome my long existing self-pride, self-love and self-righteousness , so that I may love Jesus and others in the first place. Pray that I may discover who I am before God and humble myself by asking God to help me to win over the enemies inside me, one of the strongest enemies being the sinful self.

● Bible study and Sunday worship service

As we learned “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” from Genesis 4:9, we must not live life like Cain who wanted to worship himself and to live for himself by appeasing God in his offering and killing his brother saying “Am I my brother’s keep?” Rather, I must take care of campus students because they are our brothers and sisters whom we have to love as we are loved by God and commanded by him to love others. Based on this, we pray that we may have regular campus meeting for fishing and prayer.

For Sunday worship service, we pray that all coworkers may make every effort to prepare the best worship service environment: messages, prayers and songs, most of all preparing their heart first.

● Special prayer topics and strategy

✓ Shep. Chester and David Orteg may finish their schools and get jobs. Sister Bobi and Minji may meet Jesus personally and enter into a deep spiritual world
✓ Daniella (Msn Daniel’s daughter) may start campus life in the place God prepares
✓ All may struggle to discover and identify who they are before God and empty themselves so that their hearts may be filled with God’s grace through the cross of Jesus
✓ PowerPoint Sunday worship service may inspire attendants and praise the Lord
✓ Regular campus visit for 1 to 1 Bible study and prayer
