York UBF(Canada) Annual Review & 2014 Vision

York UBF, Canada
April 4, 2014


Phil 1:6 “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

I. 2013 Annual Review

In the year 2013, we started with Eph 13:17-18, “so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” We prayed to take deep root in the word of God and in the love of Christ through sincere Bible study and practicing God’s love. We prayed to grow in spiritual strength and power to do His work. We also prayed to raise Bible teachers. I thank God for His good work in our growing leaders. Regardless of our short-comings, our Lord has been faithful to us and granted us his words of life and enabled us to continue carrying on campus ministry. God enabled Joan Lee, Natan Bekit and Aaron Yu to grow as committed co-workers and Bible teachers. They have been growing mature, serving 1:1 students and group Bible studies.

In 2013, by God’s guidance, we completed the book of Acts and Romans and began studying Matthew’s gospel. Through Romans study, God enabled our co-workers and student leaders to lay a foundation of gospel-centered life of faith. As the new semester started, we began studying Matthew’s gospel. Through the studies on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, we could learn the true constitution for citizens of the kingdom. We began to pray that we may live as citizens of God’s kingdom and grow in true humbleness and love. May God enable us to grow in our inner character. Through Jesus’ call for the disciples, we could learn to follow Jesus as of first importance. May God bless our study of Matthew’s gospel in 2014.

We were not successful in achieving desired numbers of one to one Bible studies. However, I thank God that God raised Joan Lee and Natan Bekit as good Bible teachers. They are serving their Bible students regularly. Aaron Yu has been studying one to one with M. Daniel Jung. He has become a good co-worker and is doing his best to invite his classmates and friends to Bible study. Through student leaders, Adam, Calrista, Calvin Chan, Aiden, Tracy, Susan, Tammy, Neha, Sofia, and Elias have been coming for Bible study and Sunday worship service. As for leadership training, we have been meeting on every Tuesday for testimony sharing and prayers. I thank God for providing us a spacious center for discipleship. Although York University allowed us to use the chapel for worship and an office for meeting, we needed our own place for discipleship.

Through networking with the support of Dr. Paul Hong, I could participate in Google hangout Bible study. Through this, I could have fellowship with some of USA and Canada directors and co-workers. We completed 1 and 2 Timothy, and are now studying Judges. It has been great to encourage and pray for each other. Regionally, GTA and Hamilton directors have regular Bible study meetings. I also thank God for Dr. Mark Yang’s frequent visit to serve us with Bible studies. We could also serve Christian community in York University holding a successful “Jesus’ Awareness Week” together with other Christian groups. After summer conference, Peter Jeong and Sarah Jeong visited us from Han Yang UBF Korea. We thank God for the unceasing prayer support of Han Yang UBF for us.

I thank God for His grace and mercy on me and York UBF ministry. Thank God for giving us His words of life and growing student leaders as good co-workers. I thank God for M. Daniel Jung, Joan Lee, Natan Bekit, Aaron Yu, Peter Lee, Dr. Guodong Fu and M. Lydia’s beautiful co-work to carry on York UBF pioneering work.

II. 2014 Vision and Strategy

2014 Key Verse: Philippians 1:6, “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” With confidence in the Lord who began His good work in us and in York, I believe He will carry His work on to completion. We believe that the Lord will carry on his good work in the hearts of our student leaders until each may become sacrificial servants of God. We want to continue to pray to raise 12 Bible teachers. We pray that we may give your hearts and time to study Matthew’s gospel and grow as citizens of Jesus’ kingdom.

Discipleship strategy: We would like to build leaders meeting for deeper struggle with God and with God’s words and for intercessory payers for Bible students. Leaders may grow as good shepherds and shepherdesses through one to one care for their students. We may continue to serve invitation work for one to one ministry.

We will hold seasonal retreats and camps. And we will co-work to hold GTA and Hamilton united summer conference.

Prayer topics:
May we have absolute confidence in the Lord to serve the work of God in York University.
1) Pray for John Lee to serve Matthew’s gospel study.
2) Pray for raising 12 Bible teachers.
3) Pray for growing Bible teachers

John Lee