U de M UBF (Quebec, Canada) Report

U de M UBF, Quebec, Canada
April 7, 2014

‘Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction.” (2 Timothy 4:2)

“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (He 4:12)

Part 1. 2013 Annual Review

During 2013 we studied Luke’s gospel on Sunday. Most of the time, only our family members (my son, my-coworker and I) participated in Sunday worship service. But I thank God that he has helped us to keep Sunday service faithfully and to learn of Jesus through Luke’s gospel studies.

Throughout last year, I studied Genesis with my Bible student. Christian Morasso has been studying the Bible faithfully since his freshmen year of university. He never missed a Bible study appointment. For two years, we completed the study of John’s gospel. This year we have been studying Genesis thus far. He grew in a Christian family and his grandparents were missionaries to Quebec. They were even imprisoned while preaching the gospel. He is searching for life direction. He was a pharmacy student but last year in his last semester he stopped. He is praying for his career direction. At the same time he needs to find God’s calling and mission for his life. I pray that he may find a clear life direction and calling from God. May God lead his life according to his will and raise him as a disciple of Jesus and shepherd for Quebecois students.

Thank God also that God’s servant visited our family last year. After the international summer conference, Missionary Daniel Rhee and Miso Rhee visited Montreal UBF. At the same time he visited our place and had fellowship together. He served us with the book of Numbers study. I thank God for their prayer and love in Christ.

Thank God for providing our family with daily bread during last year; My co-worker M. Teresa Jang has been working at a hospital since 2010 as a nurse. I have been working in the same company for the last ten years. Thank God for providing our family’s financial needs to serve the work of God.

Thank God also for growing my son Peter Jr. This year he attended the international summer Bible conference and has participated in Sunday worship service as an offering servant and music servant. He also played violin for CBF Christmas worship service at Montreal UBF. May God grow him in personal faith in Jesus and to be a future co-worker to serve Quebecois students.

Part 2. 2014 Key verse and prayer topics

This year I chose 2 Timothy 4:2 and Hebrew 4:12 as annual key verses for our ministry. In obedience to these key verses, firstly, I want to struggle with the word of God more deeply and honestly. I pray that God may help me to repent of my sins daily through his words so that I may have renewed spirit to serve the pioneering work.

Secondly I pray that I may preach the word of God diligently regardless of whether there are visible fruits or not. The best way to share the love of God with God’s sheep is to share the living word of God. I pray that our family may keep campus fishing and prayer meeting faithfully this year to preach the word of God.

Prayer Topic for 2014:

1. Five Sunday worship service attendees and five one to one Bible studies
2. Raise one Abraham and Sarah of faith
3. Brother Christian to grow as a disciple of Jesus
4. To devote myself to prepare Sunday message

Peter Jang