Wilmington UBF 2014 Vision and Strategy

Wilmington UBF, US
April 8, 2014

My key verse is 1Peter 1:3-5. “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade – kept in heaven for your who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.”

I had fear starting a new year. I needed power and direction from God. I had two weeks of vacation before the new year. I was nervous, irritated, and even became dark by fear when a new year comes nearer and nearer. God shines light in my heart through 1Pe 1:1-12. I studied this passage many times using Dr. Lee’s message or some other messages in UBF website. I studied this passage again emptying myself. I observed the words, “greatly rejoice” and “filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,” which I needed desperately. As we know, the early Christians and Apostle Peter were in severe persecutions. But they greatly rejoiced. They were filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy. That is what I need. What is the secret of such joy? I learned that I was in false hopes such as disciple making, job, or UBF. These are all dead hopes. The goal of my faith is salvation. The new birth into the living hope through the resurrection of Christ from the dead and into an inheritance which is kept in heaven is the only hope in this world. This hope saves me. I preach the gospel and make disciples of Jesus because of this hope.

I have applied for positions in NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission), which is a federal government job. I am in a good status in GE even though GE went through difficulty in 2013. UNCW students all leave a town or other cities to go to for a job or graduate study. I need a decision whether to live a stable life expecting retirement money or take adventure into deeper water of Jesus’ grace. I passed first steps and am being reviewed for second step among three steps in two positions in G14 level and one position in G13 level in Rockville MD and am being evaluated for first step in position both in Atlanta GA and Rockville MD in G13 level. For reference, G13 is similar to my current level in GE.

Strategy 1: Preach the gospel to (1) unbelievers and (2) lost ones who were once Christians but now are not Christians any more. I meet many lost ones; and help local churches by helping believers with the word of God and helping them to contribute to their own church.

Strategy 2: Make new Genesis Bible notes and have a deep personal Genesis Bible study as if I am totally new in Genesis.

Miracle starts from small changes in daily life. I want to expect a great thing from God. I want to see God move a mountain in my life through my faith. I want to see God’s glorious work in my remaining life.

One Word: Lord! I want to see your glory.

Isaac Baek
