Trenton UBF 2014 Vision and Strategy

Trenton UBF, US
April 8, 2014


When I look back my missionary life last year, I cannot but repent of my sins. I was not serving God’s ministry, but destroying it. I also repent of my unfaithfulness to eat Daily Bread, testimony writing and prayer. Most of all, I did not follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I tried to lead sheep and ministry based on my passion and desires. When my passion and desires went ahead of the Spirit, I made sheep stumble. It is impossible for me to serve this ministry. So my key verse of the year 2014 is Galatians 5:16, “So I say, live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” I want to be led by the Spirit. In order to be sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I will repent daily, pray continually, and pay attention to the ministry of God’s word. I want to live a simple life.

In this year, we will not have any other event except Easter Conference and Fall Bible Academy. Instead, we will focus on basic spiritual life: daily bread, testimony writing and sharing, common life, and one to one Bible studies.

Prayer Topics:

1. Basic spiritual life (Daily Bread, Testimony, & Common Life)
2. To be led by the Spirit
3. Fifty one to one Bible studies
4. One ancestor of faith and twelve disciples of Jesus.

One word: Live by the Spirit

Moses Kim
