Installation Ceremony for M. John Kwon of Los Angeles UBF

Los Angeles UBF, US
April 9, 2014

On April 6, 2014, there was an installation service in Los Angeles UBF to recognize John Kwon as the new director. We are thankful for the guests who came to visit us from the Midwest and east coast, Northern California and other surrounding Los Angeles chapters, including General Director Abraham Kim and Mother Barry.

First, former Los Angeles UBF director Isaac Kim shared words of blessing from three verses, on the seven faculties of the Holy Spirit:

“The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him---the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord---“(Isaiah 11:2)

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” (Ephesians 1:17)

Seven faculties of the Spirit:
Fear of the Lord
Revelation and understanding
Love and power

Isaac prayed that John Kwon would know these faculties of the Spirit working in the ministry and going out to the flock of God.

Then John Kwon shared words based on 2 Timothy 4:2 as the chapter and personal key verse: "Preach the Word."
He shared three aspects of God:
The God of salvation of all people on earth
The God of mercy
The God of a remnant

1. Salvation
John met Isaac Kim in 1983 in Los Angeles and asked him to study the Bible with him. At first he felt uncomfortable to ask for Bible study because he was not a native, American student. But God's salvation reached out even to John. Isaac Kim taught him to remember to go and make disciples of all nations. John saw this fire and devotion to the God of salvation in Isaac through all his years in coworking with Isaac in LA UBF.

2. Mercy
John thought American campuses would be like Korean campuses. But he did not find any UBF presence on the campuses. John found that Isaac's chapter was the most conservative and most liberal. It is conservative because of the commitment to the world mission command. Yet it is, in a sense, liberal because God is the God of mercy who demonstrated his mercy through Isaac Kim to all the members here, including John. Isaac was merciful over all of John's shortcomings. He grew because of Isaac's mercy to him which he found was God's mercy to him. Isaac was never pushing or demanding to his people. People felt that he was too free with the members. One missionary came to LA from Korea to enjoy freedom.

3. A remnant
As the new director, he thought now about UBF and LA UBF's future. What would happen? Through studying the book of Haggai God showed himself as the God of a remnant. Those who returned from exile were few and had little. They didn't even have homes. Yet God commanded them to build the temple first, before their own homes. Why did he ask such a thing from his poor people? Was God too demanding? He found that God wanted to build the kingdom of God first in their hearts. He didn't need a physical temple. They were poor. But he wanted to build the kingdom of God in their hearts first. This is what God has been doing throughout history. God showed that in each time there are a chosen people of God no matter what nations or ministries go away. These people may be small, but there will always be a people called, loved, chosen and elected by God. God's purpose will be carried out through these people. So he felt free from worries about the future by trusting in God who keeps a remnant for himself through whom God will carry out his purpose. So the word of God changed John's viewpoint towards the people of LA UBF. John then saw how some in LA UBF are reflective of God's remnant.

Prayer topics:
-Fire from God through the word of God and prayer given to each of us. For God's work starts from God.
-Love God with all our hearts and love one another as Jesus has loved us.
-Give thanks in all circumstances as it is God's will in Jesus Christ.

-Fishing, 1:1 Bible study, making disciples of all nations with great thanks.
-Honor those who make an environment (intercessory prayer, music, cooking, babysitting, driving)
-3,000 weekly 1:1 Bible studies to preach in obedience to Jesus' command to save people and be influential in people's lives. 3,000 because John believes that God answers prayers.

Next, General Director Abraham Kim shared words of encouragement and gave thanks for a beautiful succession of leadership. His family had coworked together with Isaac Kim's family and Matthew Kim's family in the early 1980's in the Pacific Northwest before Isaac and Matthew came to LA, Isaac worked as a newspaper deliverer, handyman and at Taco Bell. God used Isaac to send workers to many west coast campuses. John was the first full time worker in LA UBF. He is FAT: Faithful, available and teachable. John coworked with Isaac all these years well. Leaders need support and encouragement. Later, leaders joined the community to also offer support and encouragement for the next leader. In this way the community moves forward. Abraham asked us to pray together and work together with John for God's world mission purpose. Abraham presented 2 Timothy 2:15 as a verse to remember in praying for John as the new director.

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

By Charles Brandon
