Boston IV UBF Annual Report for 2013

Boston IV UBF, US
April 10, 2014

John 6:55 “For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.”

Our key verse for the Year 2013 was from John 6:55, “For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.” We began the year with a prayer that we grow stronger in our grasp of the gospel of Jesus. For the past one year, the Lord enabled us to feed on Jesus’ flesh and blood, the real food and real drink, until we could have a keener sense about the scope, power, depth, and beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ that shape all aspects of our life. We continue to strive to mature as the gospel saturates our mind and heart.

In order to refresh our reading of the Scriptures, we chose a dozen so-called, “difficult passages” in the Scriptures and made an attempt to hear God’s voice through them. It was an exciting excursion that helped us gain respect, appreciation, love, and reverent fear of the word of God. We then launched the study of the Apostles’ Creed in an effort to know what the essentials of our faith are as were laid out in this historical document. It helped us to discern what the non-essentials in our life of faith are at the same time. It was especially helpful to discern how to seek unity with the rest of the global Church community, who differ from us in their traditions and expressions of faith.

Enoch completed his post-doc work at Harvard Medical School and returned to Germany with his family in late March. Sam Lee also completed his post-doc work at Harvard Medical School and returned to Germany with his wife Curie in mid July. We are very grateful for the privilege to form a community with these two young families in Boston.

Boston IV chapter will be merging with other UBF chapters in the Boston area to form one unified UBF chapter in Boston in 2014 under the leadership of Pastor Abraham Lincoln.

Mark Yoon

