Chapel Hill UBF Annual Report

Chapel Hill UBF, US


John 6:48 “I am indeed the bread of life.”

I. Annual Review (2013)

In 2013, the ministry of Carolina University Bible Fellowship served UNC students in various ways. The ministry, however, can be summed up in three events with three pictures as follows:
First, our first participation in 2013 Carolina FallFest on August 18th 2013. The annual FallFest is the most popular event among students, especially incoming freshmen. It gave us an opportunity to present our presence on campus; since then, five new students have been interacting with us online and offline. We now have a faithful layman shepherd, Gregory Grissom (a graduate of May 2013); on having gotten a job in the Research Triangle Park, he decided to remain faithful in our ministry. He prays to be a faithful and responsible layman shepherd for campus students in the southeastern part of USA.
Second, our annual Fall Bible Forum. Since 2009, we have been holding our annual Fall Bible Forum to participate in harvesting future spiritual leaders from among UNC students. This year we were delighted to see three students at the event as follows: Mike Allan, Blake Salmons, and Austin Dietz. We pray to work hard to serve them until they can bear good fruit for world campus mission.
Third, our faithful ministry among girl students. From the start, we prayed to serve Carolina girl students more effectively; we were eventually able to serve some. Ashley Allen has become special; she studied Genesis with Dr. Esther Seo faithfully and served her sorority roommates in their group Bible studies. She is the one in the far left in the picture.

In view of Bible study, we have finished the study of Matthew and are now studying the gospel of John weekly. Missionary Stephen Seo finished reading Exodus, Psalms and Ezekiel in Hebrew, and Matthew, Luke, Colossians and 2 Corinthians in Greek verse by verse; it was an act of his devotion to God.
II. Vision and Strategy (2014)
Our vision for 2014 comes from John 6:48, “I am indeed the bread of life.” There is a phenomenon in which campus students suffer from spiritual mal-nutrition. We want to work hard to feed the students with delicious and nutritious spiritual food on a regular basis. For this, we want to establish two discipleship programs as follows:
First, Greek and Hebrew classes. These free classes are designed to help students taste how sweet and delicious the word of God is in its original recipes – in its original languages. At present, three students are learning Greek and one student Hebrew under the tutelage of Missionary Stephen. We envision that through these classes disciple-candidates may personally experience the joy of feeding on Jesus the bread of life and drinking his blood of forgiveness.
Second, self-paced Bible studies. This is designed to plant the love of God’s word in the hearts of students as they engage in studying a book of the Bible on their own. These studies will be guided by Missionary Stephen one on one.
In conclusion, these two programs are to strengthen the faith of current and future Bible students, as they faithfully engage in one to one Bible studies and various fellowships throughout the year. Every program will serve students to encounter Jesus personally and know him better and better!

Stephen Seo
