Montreal UBF Held an Easter Bible Retreat Conference

Montreal UBF, Canada
April 23, 2014

God`s Power Revealed: The Cross, The Resurrection

Mark 15:34 “And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me’.)”

On April 18-20, 2014 we held an Easter Bible Retreat Conference at the Ermitage Ste. Croix in Pierrefonds, Québec. God granted us 38 attendants. In preparation for the conference each of us prayed to God about a 40 day (5-week) challenge in which we asked God to help us in our powerlessness over one area of life. At the conference we heard messages and shared our Easter challenge testimonies. The gospel of Jesus’ death and resurrection is God`s work and God`s creation. He gets all the glory. What do we get from it? We get strength. All the wisdom and knowledge in the world could never give us as much strength as the gospel. It is mankind`s ultimate hope, provided by God. s. David Jumeau who gave us this conference theme gave an excellent opening message on 1 Corinthians 1:18 “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” In each session about 8 people shared their challenge testimonies and then we invited 8 people from the attendants to come to the stage and pray for them with all their hearts. In this way each person was heard, and each person was prayed for. The HBF youth group also experienced God`s power through personal challenges. In addition they went through 8-10 weeks of music lessons and performed a Hillsong Y & F song called, “Close” testifying to the strength God gives us as we become close to Him. This youth group has such great potential in God. We played some hilarious group games that forced us to work together. s.Lesedi Masisi gave us the conference`s main message, “God`s Power Revealed: The Cross”. He showed us that a great power was revealed from God when Jesus died on the cross. When Jesus went to the cross and died on the cross the effect was the saving of many. Human beings are sinful and we feel uneasy, vulnerable, disconnected and lonely. There is a gap between us and God. Jesus’ cry on the cross filled the gap and enabled sinners to be connected with God in a powerful ways, in love, in grace, in truth. On Sunday s. Vani Wong`s message ‘He is Risen…Go” testified to the fact of Jesus resurrection which means our sins are forgiven and we have eternal life. We can face ourselves and our future with boldness, investing all in God`s work for his fame and glory while we live here on earth. s. Andrew followed with a message on Jesus’ world mission command. We all shouted “Go” trusting in God to get involved in God`s work and for Him to unleash our potential as disciples, through God`s own presence and protection. Through the conference retreat many felt refreshed and re-connected to God in new and powerful ways. We thank God for Jesus, the power of God for us!
