Prayer Request for M. David Kim, Tempe, USA

Tempe UBF, USA
April 23, 2014

I thank God for using UBF church as a source of blessing for world campus mission. Personally, I have been greatly honored and privileged to participate in campus ministry as a Tempe UBF chapter director over the last 25 years since 1989 though I am not qualified to be a spiritual leader, not to mention to be a chapter director. God, however, has been merciful to my life and kept me to lead Tempe UBF with his unconditional grace and love. Every year I repented my weaknesses and sins and tried again to be a good shepherd, but I have never been and I am now in great remorse that I was not a good shepherd. Unfortunately, an uninvited intruder came into my life of health, which I noticed last January and finally the doctor diagnosed me as a liver cancer patient. I never chose it and honestly this unexpected event is painful, uncomfortable, and scary. But I believe God will help me to discover God’s heart, God’s joy and God’s truth in the fog of an uncertain reality.

Realistically, my tumor is too big to do surgery, and even to be a transplant candidate. It seems there is not much hope at all. My doctor is trying to reduce my tumor through chemo, radiation treatment and eventually to do a liver transplant from a donor. I just started chemo, radiation treatment and medication therapy. Medically, besides my doctors in Arizona, Dr. Okyu Noh (U of A exchange oncology professor from Anam UBF) & Dr. Joseph Ahn Jr. (OHSU professor from Chicago UBF) are guiding me for the treatment. Dr. Noh and Dr. Ahn said, it’s tough, but beatable. So far the treatment itself is bearable and doable in the strength of God.