LA & Granda Hill UBF held a Spring Bible Conference Together

LA & Granda Hill UBF, USA
April 24, 2014

From April 18-20, 2014, LA UBF and Granda Hill UBF held a Spring Bible conference together at Pinecrest Christian Conference Center located in the mountains outside of Los Angeles.

The theme of the conference was Seek & Save, based on Luke 19:10: "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

The program was prepared by newer students (1st, 2nd, 3rd timers). There were four messages that covered four events where Jesus individually sought and saved sinners.

Luke 19:1-10, on Zacchaeus to whom Jesus made a house visit, “Seek and Save."

John 8:1-11, on the woman caught in adultery that was brought before Jesus, “Neither do I Condemn You."

John 3:1-21, on Nicodemus who came to Jesus at night, “Unless You are Born Again."

Luke 5:27-32, on Levi who Jesus called to follow him, “Follow Me."

Each message was followed by passage recitation and life testimonies that were very gracious. We also tried to include more interaction and discussion time, with group discussions, prayer times, and organized games.

We learned that Jesus sought sinners. Therefore, we are thankful for his grace and pray that all who attended may respond to Jesus’ call and follow him. We are thankful to share the word of God with each other and new Bible students. Thanks be to God for sending Jesus who came to seek and to save the lost.
