Harper & DuPage UBF Had an Easter Conference Together

Harper & DuPage UBF, US
May 5, 2014

We give thanks to God for pouring out his grace through his Son and through the Holy Spirit this Easter. This year we chose the title, “Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life” from John chapter 11. This year DuPage ministry wanted to join in fellowship with our friends nearby in the suburbs at Harper ministry, which is to the north west of College of DuPage. We wanted to focus on how the good news of the cross and the resurrection brings true life—the way life was truly meant to be lived. The most important truth in history is the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the good news that he was not in the tomb, but that he rose indeed.
On the first night we studied John 3 and John 18. Kevin Perkowitz (Harper) revealed to us that we need to be born again through repentance to enter the kingdom of God. Kevin had been a man of little emotion but through meeting Jesus he is now all smiles. Next, Jeff Vultmann (Harper) shared the second part of John 3, verse 9 to the end. We learned that God loved us so much that gave his one and only Son Jesus as a ransom sacrifice to give eternal life to those who believe. We had a life testimony shared by Carlos Oscaio (DuPage). Carlos’ brother is Orlando Ocasio from IIT ministry. Carlos shared how as a young man he was brought to faith through his brother and the prayers of Msn Daniel and Deborah Yang (IIT). Carlos shared that even though he went away from God many times, God stayed with him and brought him back to Jesus. The closing message was shared by Nick Modlin (Harper) on John 18. He helped us to realize that the story of Jesus’ arrest and trial is more than just a story with characters; it is really a reflection of our hearts and our reaction to Jesus. We learned that Jesus gave himself willingly to go through the trial and arrest all for the glory of God.
On Saturday night we had a powerful Easter message on Isaiah 53 delivered by Matt Cizek (DuPage). From Isaiah 53 we learned that God is so graceful because he prepared his Son as the Suffering Servant who took upon himself the infirmities and iniquities of us all—being crushed and pierced for our sins so that we would receive peace with God. We were blessed with the heavenly voice of Msn Gideon Bahn who sang the hymn, “Were you there?” from his heart and we were all moved deeply. Jose Granados (Dupage) shared a short testimony and long message on John 5 he accepted. He thanked God for enabling him to overcome anxieties and temptations until he could win the victory in his calculus III class. He made a decision to pick up his mat and walk with Christ. Saturday night second message was shared by Matthew Monroe (DuPage). He challenged us to look at the cross and accept the great grace of God and the new life. He called us to never forget this grace and never grow bored hearing the Easter story year after year.
On Sunday Easter morning we had a joyful message delivered by Jeremy Hajek (DuPage) on John 20—the empty tomb. Here we learned that Jesus calls us to see his grace of resurrection and his heart to call us by name to help us remember what Jesus had foretold. Jesus was so gracious that he even met the doubting Thomas and showed him his wounds to believe the resurrection. Jesus called us then to stop doubting and believe the risen Christ because the evidence is clear and in front of us. Next, Amanda Giampietro (DuPage) shared all the grace she had received from John 3 in her poem that remembered Jesus’ love on her life. The concluding message was shared by John Huber (Harper) on John 11 – The resurrection of Lazarus. John shared his heart how his struggles are hard but he always hears Jesus’ calling to make him a new man and a living, faithful believer. We believe God is working mightily in his life and he is a source of blessing in Harper College ministry through his faith.
By God’s grace we had 20 attendants on Good Friday, 13 people on Holy Saturday, and 14 people on Easter Sunday. I would like to thank all the servants behind the scenes who helped prepare many snacks, banners, and prayers: Msn Susanna Hajek, Msn Mary Bahn, Msn Sarah Sohn, Msn Faith Wang, Msn Rebecca Yoshiba, and Michael Ulrich (DuPage) who prepared praise music for us. I would like to especially thank Msn Daniel Sohn (Harper overseer) and his prayer and faith in God to cowork with DuPage ministry. We pray that we may build a vessel of West Suburbs fellowship together continually for God's glory.

Jeremy Hajek
