Beautiful Wedding News Between Wonly Lee & Yvonne Timlin

Korea UBF
May 6, 2014

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” 1Cor 13:13

On Friday evening May 3, 2014, Wonly Lee (Hwarang) and Yvonne Timlin (Chicago) had a beautiful wedding ceremony in Seoul, Korea. Among 200 guests M. Barry, Dr. John Jun, Pastor Abraham Kim, Mark Vucecovich and many North American senior staff shepherds attended this meaningful wedding ceremony. P. Abraham Kim blessed them to be a loving shepherd family with the word of 1 Cor 13:13.

Wonly met Jesus in his sophomore year and became a true disciple. He suffered bankruptcy after great success and lost his wife leaving children behind. Yvonne was the 9th among 11 siblings. She read the whole Bible in a week when she was just 12 years old. She met Mark V in NU. Her marriage was broken too after having five children. When both kept their faith in God in spite of the disastrous human situations, God blessed them to establish a new house church healing all their wounds.

May God bless them to love and comfort each other in God's undying love and use them as a shepherd and missionary family for American and world campus mission.

Elijah Lee
