M. Abraham Chung (Anam UBF) is appointed as professor to Univ of New Jersey

New York UBF, USA
May 15, 2014

Dear servants of God:

I came back to New York from Washington along with my family last week after having worked one year at the National Research Center in Washington. God blessed my wife enabling her to return to her former job at University of Columbia.
Currently we are attending Queens UBF (director David Baik).
As you know about my job situation I was trying to get a permanent position for years though in vain. But when my wife and I made a decision of faith and returned to New York, God richly blessed us now. He enabled me to be appointed as a professor at the University of New Jersey near New York City beginning from this fall semester.

Though I had been much stressed out due to my job problem for years, in the course of time, God abundantly blessed me and my family. In this way God indeed answered our prayer topics to first move near a bigger UBF center which is located in an urban city and second to get a professor position. These were the two prayer topics presented to Anam brothers and sisters when we visited Anam UBF, Korea.

We praise and thank God for listening to our prayers for his name’ sake. We also thank you --all the servants of God and Anam coworkers-- for your prayer support.

Please pray that we may cowork with New York coworkers well in serving God and pioneer University of New Jersey.

Abraham Chung
