Wedding News of John and Sarah Little Dang

Chicago UBF
May 28, 2014

On May 24 at Chicago center God established a beautiful house church between Dr. John Dang (Milwaukee) and Sarah Little Kim (Chicago) with the blessing of God's servants from all over the world, including Korea, Germany, Canada and many parts of the USA --altogether more than 400.
Pastor Ron Ward gave them 1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation…” John and Sarah's family is significant in UBF history. Theirs is the first 3rd generation house church since Sarah is the 3rd generation granddaughter of late Dr. Samuel Lee and M. Grace A Lee.
In his thanksgiving speech, Paul Dang introduced a story: At the bridal shower for Sarah one shepherdess said to Dang's family in Korean, "Ddang Jabaseoyo!" which means, "You (Dang's family) got a great fortune/blessing!" He declared that what she said was right since "they are a perfect and heavenly match, orchestrated by the gracious and sovereign God. How can I say thanks for the things he has done for us." We pray that the Lord will empower them with the Holy Spirit to worship God and serve his people as a royal priesthood and a holy nation.
