Daily Bread Writers’ Meeting

UBF Headquarters
May 30, 2014

On Memorial Day, there was an annual Daily Bread Writers’ Meeting held at Riyadh House. We welcomed two new DB writers to the DB ministry: Dr. Bill Pottenger (LeHigh UBF) and Joe Horvath (Chicago UBF). They will begin writing DB from 2015. The program began with a message by P. Abraham Kim based on Hebrews 4:12. Through his message we were challenged to remember that the Bible is God’s living word to us today and it is actively working in our hearts and our ministries. We must let God speak to us and not add things to his word.
After this, we had a group Bible study led by Dr. Mark Yang on just one verse, Mark 4:24. “Consider carefully what you hear…” We learned the importance of having the right attitude when we approach God’s word. We must not listen carelessly to the word but rather pay careful attention to what the word says through prayerful Bible study asking many questions. Dr. Bill participated via Google Hangout. Then after group Bible study, Dr. Augustine Suh gave us a lecture on the Trinity. The doctrine of the Trinity defends and summarizes the central faith of the Bible. Trinity means “three-in-oneness.” Rather than seeing the Trinity as some logical mystery, we should understand the Trinity primarily as the saving mystery of God. The Bible shows us the riches of God’s love, which came down to us into the sphere of human misery and death. This is woven into the fabric of both Old and New Testaments. Our Christian worship life is characterized by a double movement of grace: God coming down to us through the Son in the Spirit and we as worshipers coming to the Father through the Son in the Spirit. This is the joy of our Christian life.
Thank God for each of God’s servants who served our writers with such a wonderful program. Thank you for your prayers! Please continue to pray for our Daily Bread writers to prepare deep Daily Bread by considering carefully God’s living word.
