Nate and Marie's Happy Engagement in Jesus!

Chicago UBF, USA
June 4, 2014

Pastor Ron blessed Nate and Marie with Mark 10:6-9, "God created them male and female...." on June 1 after Sunday Worship Service at the Leningrad house. There were around 40-50 coworkers including Dr. Moses Noah from Philadelphia. After listening to Nate and Marie's beautiful testimonies, Nate's mother shared tears of thanks for God's blessing upon her son. They were the fruit of the prayers and Bible studies with Dr. Daniel Lee (Shippensburg), Dr. Noah and Philadelphia coworkers and M. Amalia and Gustavo of NEIU, Chicago under the supervision of Pastor Ron Ward. May God continue to lead them to establish a beautiful house church in God's time and be a source of blessing in North America and world campus mission.
