Jeremiah and Yaejin Park's Wedding News

June 9, 2014

God blessed Jeremiah Park and Yaejin Moon (UIUC) with Psalm 23, "The Lord is my shepherd." This was chosen by Dr. Samuel Augustine Lee, their spiritual father and shepherd. He observed how the Lord has been their good shepherd with 3 Ps: providing everything, protecting them from all harms and persisting for eternity. Around 200 guests came from Korea and many parts of USA such as Colorado, Lehigh, Houston, Columbus, COD, Indianapolis, Chicago, and UIUC. Some of them were their classmates. Jeremiah's father raised Jeremiah all by himself as a widowed man since Jeremiah was ten with the word of God. Jeremiah became an outstanding student especially in mathematics and science. When he entered the physics department of SNU he wanted to be like Isaac Newton who was the founder of physics. He also wanted to be like St. Paul who spread the gospel through much suffering. Like Paul, Jeremiah wanted to live as a single too until Yaejin appeared in UIUC three years ago. Through Yaejin Jeremiah learned he can accomplish his goals better with a suitable helper rather than all by himself. May the good shepherd Jesus continue to provide all necessary things for them. May He protect them and help them to persist to the end. May God allow many physical and spiritual children as a source of blessing for U of I, USA and the whole world in this generation.
