Montreal UBF Summer Bible Conference Report

Montreal UBF, Canada
July 24, 2014

Jesus is Life, Love and Light

John 1:4 “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.”

We praise and thank God for blessing and refreshing our lives with Jesus who is Life, Love and Light through our 2014 Summer Bible at Bishop’s University, Quebec. The conference took place from July 11-13. From Friday to Sunday we listened to Jesus life-giving words through the messages, life testimonies and even doing exercise together. All mankind needs life, love and light or we feel as if our life is wasted. M. Pierre Jung gave the opening message titled, “In Him Was Life.” We learned that physical life is not enough. Even though physical life is emphasized in our society, people are bored and empty so much of the time. All mankind need spiritual life through new birth in Jesus Christ. M. David’s message “I Am the Light of the World” showed how Jesus’ saved a woman from condemnation and brings us out of darkness when we believe in him. Jesus truly is the Light of the world. S. Lesedi’s message “Remain in My Love” testified to how we can stay attached to the greatest love of all. Obeying God’s word keeps us attached to the flow of receiving and giving Jesus’ love. There is no greater love than Jesus’ who laid down his life for his friends. S. Lesedi testified that when we love each other in obedience to Jesus’ command this becomes a powerful witness that we are Jesus’ disciples and helps us to bear fruit for the gospel. On Saturday night 3 sisters (Melissa, Vani and Sylvia) gave beautiful testimonies based on the conference themes. Jesus delivered them from states of darkness and emptiness, filling them with his life, love and light that has lasted for years. I could see that Jesus’ promise that we will “never walk in darkness” when we believe in him was really true. We watched a wonderful song-drama prepared by s. John’s fellowship and friends. It showed the beautiful story of Jesus’ furious love that fought for someone he loved though they had become separated. S. Connie led us in dance exercises and s. David prepared a Bible jeopardy game that was very engaging and Luke jr gave us a vision message based on Habakkuk 2:2-3. He taught us how God`s vision should be plain and simple so we can run with it. He also quoted Habakkuk to show how we need to have patience for the fulfillment of vision, though it will surely come. On Sunday s. Phil message “The Bread of Life” helped us to make a choice between chasing after “the bread that spoils” and “the bread that endures to eternal life. Jesus is life for sinners because he is the living bread that we are hungry and thirsty for. There is nothing we can do to earn this living bread, we must simply believe in Jesus, taste and eat. Finally s. Marcel’s message, “Life In His Name” led us in a conference review and challenged us not to be like broken, unbelieving branches but to receive life in Jesus’ name now. We thank God for bringing 40 people to participate including, university students and young people from the youth group. There is life, love and light in Jesus’ name!
