M. Philip Won’s Prayer Topics

Washington UBF, USA
August 11, 2014

Greetings in Christ!

Hi, I would like to give you some updates about my family. My family has been living in Knoxville, TN for the past two years. I have recently accepted a position at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an engineer reviewer for medical devices in the field of ear, nose, and throat. The mission of the FDA is to protect and promote the public health. Please pray for me that I may be able to contribute to the work at the FDA by depending on God's wisdom and Holy Spirit every moment.
My family arrived in College Park a week ago, and we joined the Washington UBF. We thank God that we could rent a house right next to the church building, so we can prayerfully observe and participate in the church expansion project.

Our prayer topics are as follows:

  1. Follow Jesus, the Good Shepherd, every moment (Jn 10:11)
  2. Be a good Bible teacher for students at the University of Maryland
  3. For God's wisdom for the new job

Thank you very much for your prayer support.

In Christ,
Philip Won