Chicago CBF Held its Annual Summer Conference

Chicago UBF
August 14, 2014

Chicago CBF held its annual Summer Bible Conference in Shipshewana, Indiana, from August 4-6. During preparation we had difficulty recruiting messengers and chaperones, so Msn Isaac called morning prayer meetings among CBF fellowship members. We prayed based on DB from 2 Chronicles relying on God’s power. Then , through Mother Barry’ s and Msn Anna Yang’s support three North Park members volunteered, three UIC members came and Dr Alan Wolff from NU graciously took over his daughter’s message, who was called away on business.
The overarching theme of the conference was “Love one another”. We chose this title as our prayer for CBF to be an inclusive ministry, where everybody feels welcome, especially newcomers and guests. We prayed for our children to learn to love others, not just their friends. With this prayer topic in mind eight messages were delivered encouraging our children to imitate God’s love, who loves all people everywhere.
8th graders prepared World mission projects in four groups co-working with younger children in preparing flag, map and skit for their respective countries. Some of our chaperones, who attended for the first time, commented that our children are so creative and that their skits were done with spiritual insight beyond their age. 8th graders showed exceptional leadership and care for the younger kids. One boy shared in his life testimony that in CBF he experienced acceptance and friendship that he could not find in the world. After sharing their life testimonies, it was decided to have a formal send-off prayer for our 8th graders as they go to high school now. So teachers prayed for them according to Acts 1:8. We are confident that they will be a blessing to HBF and in their respective high schools.
Younger kids seemed generally happy and eager to participate. One young girl said, she prayed with her roommate for sunshine according to the prayer topic Shp Tim had announced, since the first day was overcast, and God heard her prayer! Kids were able to swim and boat to their heart’s delight.
We are thankful for all who came and helped sacrificing their time and money out of love for God’s children. May God use it for His purpose and to glorify his own name.