Los Angeles & West Coast SBC: “As I Have Loved You.”

September 4, 2014

The conference was held August 22-24 in the beautiful San Bernardino Mountains. Attendants included members of Los Angeles, Granada Hills and UC Davis UBF. The theme of the conference was God’s love.

The conference began with praise and worship and prayer. The opening message was entitled, “He Began to Wash His Disciples Feet”, delivered by Shepherd Robert Fishman. Jesus humbled himself to the level of a servant and washed his disciples feet, demonstrating God’s love in a practical way. Shepherd Robert shared how God had loved him through many servants of God, and decided to humble himself to love others, including his teenage son. After the message, Missionary Miriam Fishman (Robert’s wife) shared her life testimony. Her parents loved her like a princess, but through her mission life she became like a kernel of wheat. The message and testimony were followed by joyful group Bible studies.

On Saturday morning we listened to the message of Missionary Mari Lopez, “As I have Loved You.” Jesus loved his disciples, even Judas Iscariot, and was ready to go to the cross for them. Missionary Mari and her family set a good example of God’s love, by inviting many Bible students, co-workers and even neighbors to their home every Sunday for dinner. But the real secret to the fruitfulness of this family was the love relationship between husband and wife. After the message, Missionary Moses Han shared his life testimony. In his testimony, he said sorry to his wife and confessed his love to her. After lunch on Saturday, all co-workers practiced to pray for one another. Members were joined together two by two, according to lot, shared prayer topics and agreed to pray for one another for one year. Afterward, we practiced loving one another through recreation time, including hiking, soccer, volleyball and basketball fellowship.

On Saturday evening we heard the message of Shepherd Terry Lopez (Mari’s husband), “We Love Because He First Loved Us.” Shepherd Terry shared how he experienced God’s love through his wife. She loved him first by forgiving him, so he was able to love others, including his five sons. After the message, there was a testimony by Missionary David Min. The Korean War left him poor and sick, but he shared how God had shown him grace and mercy over his long mission life. After, his testimony, members joined in groups to write and share testimonies.

On Sunday we listened to Shepherd William Larsen’s message, “Remain in My Love.” He was able to remain in Jesus’ love by deciding to turn down his “dream job” at Google, so that he could stay in Southern California and express his love to his co-workers, who had loved him. After the message, members took turns sharing God’s grace; from newcomers, to messengers, testimony speakers and group Bible study leaders. And, we were in awe at God’s love for us. Overall, we were able to remember and know God’s love revealed in and through Jesus Christ, and were challenged to love one another.

- By Shepherd Robert Fishman, on behalf of Pastor John Kwon