Update on M. Timothy Park

Humber UBF, Canada
September 7, 2014

M. Timothy Park was re-admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy since his leukemia recurred a third time. However, this time, his doctor introduced him to a new treatment developed by American Phamcenical Amgen. Even though this treatment is not given for everyone, M. Timothy Park was chosen as the second person at this hospital to receive this new treatment.

The traditional way of doing this treatment kills both good and bad cells, but this new way nurtures T-cells which will kill only the cancer cells, making the treatment more bearable. Although this treatment takes three to four weeks to complete, he will only need to be admitted to the hospital for ten days. After that, he will be treated as an out-patient. After the treatments are completed, a bone-marrow test will be done to see the effect of this treatment.

M. Timothy Park is currently experiencing a side-effect. His mouth has a virus infection and his throat is swollen. Because of this swelling he is having trouble eating and drinking. He is currently receiving an antibiotic. Please pray for him to get better, to eat and drink well and re-gain his strength. He will be discharged next Tuesday (Sept 9). He will continue his treatment for three more weeks as an out-patient.

Thank God for being with him each moment to go through this difficult time; it is hard for him to deal with a third occurrence of leukemia. But by God’s help, he struggles to overcome his illness and reveal God’s glory. May God give him faith, strength and comfort to go through these treatments. By the power of God he may be healed completely. M. Joanna and his three children are also struggling to support him and pray for him. May God make them very strong in the Lord.

Thank you so much for your prayers for M. Timothy Park and for us.
Please continue to remember him in your prayers.
Thank you.

Paulus Cha
Humber, Toronto, Canada