Urgent Prayer Topic for Roberto

Urgent Prayer Topic for Roberto Solano(Mexico CU missionary to Riverside, CA)

  Msn. Roberto was working as a gardener and fell down from a tree and his right leg was broken. Msn. Ana and I visited Msn. Roberto and Jackeline. They have three kids, David (Junior High), Ana (Preschool), and Victor (3 years old) and live in a small rented house (room and kitchen together). 

  Because he does not have a medical insurance, he had to wait about one week to apply and receive a financial support from a government's medical program. He had a surgery last week and he will receive a medical consultation on Friday, Oct. 21 to check how is going his right leg. His broken bone was dying and it is possible that he may have to receive a surgery again if his leg is not restored well in future. 

  They are praying so that it may not happen. If everything goes well, it will take about three months to be able to walk and he will have to receive rehabilitation treatment for a year. Please pray that no more complication in his leg but be healed asap.

By M. Juan Seo