Prayer request for 2nd gen. staff intern

Dr. Samuel Augustine Lee's prayer request for 2nd gen. staff intern for NJ

Recently Joseph Lee decided to be an intern for New Jersey UBF, serving Rutgers University. In addition, NJ UBF made a three-year commitment to help him to get an Masters of Divinity at Faith Bible Seminary, located in Lafayette, Indiana, while he is serving as an intern. This is indeed God's grace for him, for his family, and for us as well. I thank God for his decision of faith to dedicate his life for Jesus in his young age. His wife and daughter are very supportive of him as well. Another child is on the way. I pray that his internship, his education, and his participation in the Monday staff meeting online can be very fruitful for him and for us as well. As an intern, Joseph is in charge of the Five Loaves and Two Fish Orchestra and serves JBF messages. He also takes care of the center and serves several students. Continue to pray for Joseph to get close to Jesus daily and know the work of Christ, so that he can be  more and more like him while serving and studying.

Information about the Five Loaves and Two Fish Orchestra can be found through this link:

Sam Lee