Dr. Samuel Lee’s memorial service

But seek first his kingdom

Key Verse Mt 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and righteousness, then all these things will be given to you as well.”

God blessed 2016 Dr. Lee’s memorial service abundantly. This year we held the memorial service at Chicago center for the purpose of history education among young people. It was held on October 7, (Friday) at 6:30 pm and the center was packed with about 250 members, including outside guests from Korea, Germany, Canada and various chapters from America.

The program began with the prayers of three representative servants: Theresa Sohn, Samuel Rarick, Annie Lee. It was followed by the welcoming address of P. Abraham Kim, review of Dr. Lee’s eight legacies and a violin solo by Joy Vucekovich.

P. Mark Vucekovich delivered a message on Mt 6:33 with the theme, “Seek first his kingdom.” Mt 6:33 is one of the most famous verses in the Bible. Dr. Lee often gave this verse and helped us to live by it. It helps college students to find a right direction in the midst of going in so many directions during the college. We all need to go back to this key verse as guiding life principle to the end. Especially this verse was given to Jesus’ disciples. We guess that they had many worries, including what to eat, what to wear, where to live when they gave up everything to follow Jesus. But Jesus promised that they would receive all provisions when they seek first his kingdom.

What does it mean to seek first his kingdom? It means to turn our focus on seeking our own kingdom to his own kingdom, and to join in expanding the good news of the kingdom of God on earth as first priority. It also means to long for the spiritual growth as the Psalmist longed for the word of God in Ps 119. Practically it means to engage in personal Bible study and testimony writing.

To seek first his kingdom is the secret of God’s blessing. P. Mark gave several examples, including his own example. When his mother was sick, he wanted to take care of her first. But God took care of her when he decided to seek first his kingdom. After graduation, he wanted to get a job and marriage partner. But God provided a most godly woman as his wife when he resolved to engage in Bible teaching ministry. Living in this country there are so many good things and responsibilities as well, but Mt 6:33 should be absolute priority and it should be the first priority in every area of our lives. Then we can grow in the grace and character of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through our obedience to Mt 6:33, may God expand his kingdom on all American campuses and in our nation.

The message was followed by “disciples chorus” of UIC and Northeastern students. Then two testimonies were shared.

Dr. John Lee, shared his experience from medical training and discipleship under God’s servants. He made a decision to live by Mt 6:33 in the time of many hardships during his medical training and campus pioneering. One day his boss challenged him to give up campus mission in order to focus on medical mission. He struggled a lot, but by God’s help he made a decision to give up his medical mission in order to hold campus mission. As a result, God blessed both. God blessed his medical career, family with 4 children and fruitful campus ministry. His ministry has been constantly growing up to 30-40 SWS attendants. Praise God. In his testimony, he concluded that to seek first his kingdom is the secret of God’s blessing.

Dr. Helen Rarick testified how Dr. Lee shepherded her humbly and sacrificially until she could overcome a woman’s cursed desire for human love and ambition, and grow as a mother of prayer. God blessed her to receive PhD in physiology at UIC. Soon she was accepted as a professor at North Western University and Yale University. However, she gave up the renowned professorship in order to remain as a prayer mother in Chicago UBF. When she decided to obey Mt 6:33, God blessed her in many ways. God blessed her to establish God’s family with a most gentle and humble man of God, S. Jim Rarick. Mostly God raised her as an ancestor of all the mothers of prayer in Chicago and throughout USA. Through Dr. Helen’s good influence and example, we have a vision for America to raise many sacrificial mothers of prayer who could pray for all American campuses and world mission so that America may be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

The highlight of this program was DVD presentation of UBF history. DVD presentation was possible through the hard labor of M. Joshua Min and S. Rich Ryzewski. Through this, God opened our eyes to see how the kingdom of God is growing like a mustard seed. We praised and thanked God for the great work of God in UBF through your servants Dr. Samuel lee, Mother Barry and many other God’s servants. Especially young people were moved by this history presentation. We learn that history education is necessary for young people to learn a sense of history and clear identity for our ministry.

Our program ended with P. Ron Wards’ announcements and prayer topics.