Boston UBF Prayer Topics

Daily heavenly prayer mail for the week of Oct 2nd   

I. This is what we are thankful for this week: 

We are thankful for teaching us the basic principle of daily provision by faith. We are even afraid to look at our bank accounts because it’s running low and our family budget is going up every year. We have many things to worry about in life. In faith, these worries are windows of opportunities to experience the power of God’s love on a daily basis. This is how things work in the world of faith. We entrust our daily cares into the hand of our heavenly Father and learn to wait on him. To wait may sound scary, but we have SHALOM! Why should we worry, if we are certain that the delivery van is on its way with its supply of goods? That trust is vital to make our world of faith fully operational. Remember, if we can mull over this basic principle, we can ask God for many more things in life, like discipleship ministry with confidence. But if we cannot trust God for these basic needs, how can we be sure to ask of him for big things without doubt. 

We are thankful to see a season of refreshing starting to come our way through the ministry of the word and prayer this year. He has been mindful of little people like us in Boston UBF and has visited us when we humbly pray. He began to heal us from the bottom. We can see the light of his glory amongst us and share the joy of loving one another in his holy presence. We are thankful for a new contact Kenneth Lim last Monday, and he wants to join us and share his life testimony with us. We are also thankful for sending Anna, a new friend to our worship service on Sunday. Anna is a friend of missionary John and Mari Peace in Podil, Ukraine. This is the 6the week in a row that we have newcomers in our worship hour. We welcome Frank Hua from Baltimore I UBF to join our worship hour next Sunday. We welcome our friends Andrew and Esther after their two week trip to New Zealand. Thank God for their one year anniversary! 

 II. Strategic prayer mail:

1. Continue to pray to establish young professionals’ fellowship in our community in God’s time with our members Grace, Musa, Allan, Andrew, Esther, and others. 

2. The Spirit of God may prompt Andrew’s heart to take up the job of volunteer for our growing youth ministry.  

3. Continue to pray for Dr. Emily Weimer as she begins a new life in Kenya. 

4. Invite one friend to our community worship hour every Sunday, assuring your friend that in Boston UBF we have discovered a cure for “worry,” a miracle every day and double for the weekend by faith. We are friends of Jesus and friends at our work places and campuses and schools. Let us actively engage in “Friendship Evangelism” this fall and every season, and see what God can do for us! 

III. Miracle prayer mail:  

  • Pray for David Lee’s job situation. (MOST URGENT!)  
  • Pray for Anna’s visa problem to be fixed as she travels to Ukraine this week and returns to Boston by October 24 (MOST URGENT!) 
  • Pray for God’s holy presence with Jeong’s family in UNH, and Abraham Jeong’s tenure review.  (URGENT)
  • Abraham Kang’s H1b visa application (URGENT), and his friend, Jie. 
  • Pray for David Lee’s parents, Sarah Kang’s father, and Joshua Lee’s mom in Korea. Mark Yoon’s mom to be adjusted to a new facility in Brookline. 
  • Pray for Grace, Musa, and all our students to be relieved from daily harassment from school study. Pray for John Rhee and PAL (in Tampa UBF) message this coming Sunday.
  • Pray for 10 days Boston Revival, a movement to call on God to bring revival in our city. Churches across the denominational spectrum will join as one body to celebrate the revelation of God’s power. The agenda is 24/7 prayer, worship, and fellowship. The grand finale will be held on Oct 12 in Northfield, MA. For more info go to