A Beautiful House Church of Juan Perez and Jennifer Vu

By God’s grace, Juan Perez and Jennifer Vu were married on September 24, 2016 in an outdoor ceremony aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA. They established their house church based on their key verse Matthew 22:37, “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” 

Pastor John Kwon officiated the ceremony and delivered a message based on Matthew22:37. He introduced the groom as being the most faithful man among all Mexicans, separating himself from others in order to do the right thing. Juan has never missed a single bible study in 10 years. Jennifer was introduced as a beautiful woman seeking unfailing love, which she found in Jesus. She became a very influential leader among sisters. The prayer for them was that they would love the Lord their God with all their hearts, all their souls and all their minds.

The wedding party consisted of six bridesmaids: Chamnan Im, Lucia Ochoa, Diana Lopez, Nancy Vu, Debbie Tonne, and Vina Cuevas, six groomsmen: Christopher Passagne, Allen Cabudol, Roman Acebedo, Daniel Tourne, Isaiah Pulido, Andrew Cuevas, a ring bearer: Edward Yu, and a flower girl: Zoe Koch. 

Through much prayer and by God’s grace, the bride and groom’s parents and many family members and friends attended and blessed the wedding. A reception followed the ceremony where several people stood up and gave words of blessings and participated in joyful dancing.