Uruguay UBF CME

Uruguay is the second smallest nation in South America after Suriname; its extent is 176,000km² and the population is 3.42 million. This nation is ranked first in democracy, peace, and lack of corruption in Latin America. It is also regarded as a high-income country; its main exports include wool, rice, soybeans, beef, and milk.  The population is 45.7% Catholic and 3-4% is Protestant. 

Same-sex marriage and abortion are legal. As a result this country is regarded as one of the most liberal nations in the world. Uruguayans are predominantly of European origin with about 90% of the population claiming to be descendants of 19th and 20th century immigrants from Western Europe, including Spain and Italy(Here are images of such places in Europe).

M. Jose & Rebekah Park serve Uruguay UBF. They came from the Baebong UBF to pioneer Uruguay by way of Argentina, full of pioneering spirit; her wife, M. Rebekah speaks Spanish excellently enough to have Dele  B(the Deploma in Spanish, Level B). 

They came with their two daughters, Goheun and Grace. Both of them speak Spanish fluently, had excellent grades in college and actively helped sheep. Almost at the same time, both daughters, Goheun Rebekah Rhee and Grace Choo established a housechurch and were sent to Mexico and Louisville, Kentucky in the U.S. respectively. When they were willing to send each of two daughters to other country, instead God sent them good missionaries, M. Anna Lim and M. Maria Koo.

We studied Ephesians for the first and second lecture and Galatians for a special lecture. I delivered the Sunday message, translating it into Spanish with the help of M. Jose Park.  Most of all we had a gracious worship service because six Uruguayan sheep attended. On Saturday afternoon we shared testimonies.

In Korea, M. Anna Lim worked as a KAL stewardess for six years. In those days, she had a happy marry with a handsome businessman. Sometime later, she met Jesus personally through one to one Bible study at Gongreung Center. By the way, unexpectedly, her husband went to the Heaven, due to a car accident during a business in Guatemala. 

She came to Uruguay with her two sons and is now a self-supporting missionary through a wholesale gift shop. Her first son, Daniel, helps her at the shop and her second son, David, is a high ranking senior of the Engineering College at Uruguay National University. David is sincere spiritually and is growing as a good shepherd. He prays to be a professor shepherd in future.   

M. Maria Koo came from Anam Center after finishing 1st semester, fourth grade at the Spanish Department in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. She obtained a position in Sejong Hakdang, a Korean Teaching Institute of Uruguay. She is ardently serving God’s work and is caring for one sheep. She repented of drinking due to serving K-Pop teachers.   

M. Jose Park struggles to prepare the message for Sunday Worship Service each week; he also struggles to feed and take care of the Lord’s sheep wholeheartedly; he says: I cared for a sheep in the College of Education. He raised him up as a leader, living a common life with him in my house for three years, but after graduating he left for his hometown of Montevideo 500km away. There he applied for a teaching position. 

As a result, M. Jose was very disappointed in himself, feeling like he was towing an empty net. However the Risen Lord Jesus has enabled him to hold on to the word of God, caring for and raising sheep with new faith. Most of all, God sent two missionaries to co-work with him.    

Prayer Topics:

1) To prepare and deliver a powerful Sunday message in Spanish.

2) To raise 7 disciples of Jesus and establish 3 house churches, 

3) For 15 Uruguayan sheep to attend Sunday Worship Service till  2020.   

4) For M. Maria Koo and brother David to care for a sheep. 

5) For David Choo, M. Jose Park’s grandson in Louisville, Kentucky (USA) to be healed.