Chicago UBF Women’s Conference

Ruth 1:16, “But Ruth replied, ‘Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.’”

    We praise God who abundantly blessed our Women’s Conference 2016! The theme of the conference was REVIVE REFRESH CONNECT. It was our desire and prayer that the hard-working, sacrificial women of Chicago UBF may be revived and refreshed by God’s word and form beautiful, life-giving relationships among each other in Jesus’ name. 

The conference began with 30 minutes of worship through song by Helen Kim and her worship team. Women sang with one voice, filling the sanctuary, praising Jesus for his grace, and resting in his precious love. Sh. Cheryl Kramarczyk gave a joyful welcome. Msn. Theresa Sohn wholeheartedly prayed for our conference. Sh. Carmen Tedeschi gave a lively reading to Ruth 1. She then surprised us with an announcement of two door prize winners who received a copy of the book, “Ruth: Romance and Redemption” by David Jeremiah. 

    Sh. Sara Miller gave the message based on Ruth 1. She opened up with her own personal example of how an older, Christian woman came alongside her during a very difficult time in her life. She then walked us through the personal faith of Naomi, her struggles and her decision to return to the land of Judah and her people. We learned three “C’s” of Naomi’s story: compromise, contrition and commitment. We were challenged to make the decision the Naomi made to return to God, no matter where we find ourselves. We were also introduced to the beautiful and powerful relationship between an older Christian woman and a younger Christian woman. Sh. Cheryl Kramarczyk then shared her testimony based on her experience in a mentorship relationship with Dr. Helen Rarick. It began with a financial Bible study two years ago, and now they meet for a Biblical study on womanhood. Through the mentorship relationship, Cheryl became more honest with God and is being healed of her lack of trust in God’s love. Dr. Helen Rarick also gave her mentorship testimony. She also received comfort and encouragement through her relationship with Sh. Cheryl. 

    The women then separated into group Bible studies and studied and discussed based on Ruth 1. Surveys on the conference and the opportunity to volunteer to be a mentor, request a mentor or be a prayer buddy were collected. The conference ended with a wonderful Mediterranean dinner and four raffle prize winners.

    We thank God for his blessing. We thank God for the hundred twenty women who could attend. It is our earnest prayer that women in Chicago UBF may connect to support and encourage each other. We thank God for all the hard work of the group Bible study leaders, those who prayed and organized this conference, and the men of Chicago UBF and HBF who set up and prayed for us. We also thank God for Chicago UBF who funded this conference. We thank God who covered this conference with his Spirit and his grace. Praise Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, who refreshes, revives and connects us together by his grace and unconditional love from the cross!   

By Cheryl Kramarczyk