LA UBF held a Summer Bible Conference on September 2-4. The conference was in the beautiful San Bernardino Mountains of Southern California, and just over 100 people attended. This time, we decided to focus our conference on small group Bible studies, covering 1 Peter. The title of the conference was Participate in The Sufferings of Christ. Through this conference, we wanted to renew our faith to participate in campus mission. 

After arriving at the conference and eating dinner together, we listened to a brief message from Shepherd William Larsen. Through his message, he gave us an introduction to 1 Peter and an overview of the conference theme. From Friday evening to Sunday morning, we held four Bible studies in small groups. Through these four studies, we covered the entire book of 1 Peter. We also wrote and shared testimonies in our groups. 

The first Bible study was titled A Living Hope, from 1 Peter 1:1-2:3. We learned that we have a living hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We can live a holy life, participating in the sufferings of Christ, because our hope is not in this world, but in Christ. The second Bible study was titled A Royal Priesthood, from 1 Peter 2:3-3:7. We learned that we have a glorious identity as God’s people. When we suffer for doing good, we glorify God thorough our ministry, our jobs and our house churches. The third Bible study was titled Christ Suffered in His Body, from 1 Peter 3:8-4:11.  We learned that Christ set the example of suffering for what is right through his death for sins, and that God raised him back to life. When we have the same attitude to suffer for what is right, we can overcome our sinful nature and live a new life. The fourth Bible study was titled Be Shepherds of God’s Flock, from 1 Peter 4:12-5:14. We learned that we are to rejoice in sufferings for Christ and that mature believers have the responsibility to suffer as shepherds for God’s flock. When we suffer humbly, God will raise us up, and the Chief Shepherd, Jesus will reward us when he returns. 

On Saturday afternoon we held prayer meetings for two campuses: Long Beach City College and California State University, Long Beach. LA UBF had previously set a new direction to focus on these campuses, and this was an opportunity for co-workers to have fellowship and time of prayer. On Saturday afternoon, we had hiking and sports fellowship, and on Saturday evening we held a joyful time of praise and prayer. On Sunday, we had Worship Service with a message titled Jesus, The Living Stone, by Missionary John Kwon. We learned that because Jesus is living, we can come to him and communicate with him. Also, when Jesus rose from the dead as the Living Stone, God established complete justice. It means that our suffering for Christ will all be rewarded and so our labor in the Lord is not in vain.   

In LA ministry, many members have suffered a lot to shepherd over God’s flock, without much fruit. Many were feeling weary, but through the conference we recommitted ourselves to participate in the sufferings of Christ. Furthermore, some younger members could also consider the life of mission and decide to participate.  We are very thankful for this conference and that God continues to work among us to establish his kingdom. 

Written by Robert Fishman on behalf of John Kwon