Michael McWhorter & Mary Shin's New House Church

I thank God for blessing Michael and Mary (M&M)’s wedding on August 21, 2016 in Columbus, OH, USA. God granted us beautiful and cool weather for the outdoor wedding at the park of roses. God blessed this wedding with family members, Columbus UBF friends, domestic guests from Chicago, Novi (Michigan) and Albany (New York) and international guests from Korea, Canada and Argentina. We cannot thank them enough for traveling long distances to bless this wedding. We thank Dr. Jose Paul Ahn and Missionary Ban Seok of Thailand UBF for their sincere love and prayers for this family. 

Michael graduated from OSU with a major in history and a minor in computer science. Michael became the happiest man in the world when God brought Mary to be his wife. He confessed, “Now I’m here, ready to marry the woman God created for me and for whom God created me. I am blessed beyond my imagination.” 

Mary Shin graduated from Hong Ik University in Korea, majoring in art theory, studied the Bible at Donggyo UBF in Seoul and worked as a missionary for fifteen years in Thailand.  When God brought Michael to be her husband, she confessed and prayed, “God understood my loneliness and wanted to bless my life abundantly. Michael is sincere, warm-hearted and handsome. May we love God and each other and serve students in Columbus with the word of God.” 

Henry Park officiated their wedding and gave them John 13:34,35 as their marriage key verses, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."  At the wedding, Columbus UBF members sang, “The household of faith,” Pauline Park Jr sang, “I will be here,” and everybody sang, “Joyful, joyful, We adore Thee.” Michael’s mother, Irene, spoke as the representative of the family and told us that she had never seen Michael’s face glowing so brightly before and would accept Mary as her very own daughter. We pray that Michael and Mary may love each other as Jesus loved them and with the four dimensional love of Christ (Ephesians 3:18).

Henry Park (Columbus, OH)