2016 UBF North America Staff Conference Report

Jesus is our Peace

Ephesians 2:14 “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility…”

From August 11-13, the 2016 North American Staff conference was held at Louisville, Kentucky, at the Galt House Hotel, the planned site of the 2018 International Summer Bible Conference. Around 150 members attended. The theme was, “Jesus is our Peace,” based on Ephesians 2:14. The conference began with a welcome by Kentucky area chapter directors, Dr. Joshua Choo, Dr. Joe Wert and Dr. John Doty. Then, Pastor Ron Ward delivered a keynote message on Ephesians 1:17, which was followed by an overview presentation of Ephesians by Dr. Mark Yang. On the first day, members studied two lessons: Ch. 1, “Spiritual Blessings in Christ,” and Ch. 2:1-10, “By Grace we have been Saved.” In the evening we heard a Ukraine mission report by Jacob Patriyuk, an elder in Kiev UBF. In addition, senior staff ordained new chapter directors and staff members: Paul Kim in Winnipeg, Isaac Choi in Hamilton, Dr. Andrew Park in Baltimore 3, Dr. Steven Han in Dallas, and Sam Toh in Chicago HBF. Then, we heard chapter reports on student disciple-raising at UIC by David Won and Kristin Weed, West L.A. by Dr. Abraham McIlhenny, Springfield by Dr. John K. Lee, and COD by Dr. Gideon Bahn. Finally, Edward Papabathini shared a presentation on Louisville as the site of the 2018 ISBC, in which he emphasized the centrality of its location to many UBF chapters and his attempts to keep prices on par with the 2013 ISBC, despite inflation. 

On the second day, we studied the remaining two lessons: Ephesians 2:11-22, “Jesus Himself is our Peace,” and 3:1-21, “The Manifold Wisdom of God.” Also, Dr. Henry Park, of Columbus UBF, gave the main message on Eph 2:11-22, entitled, “Jesus is our Peace.” In his message, he detailed his “7 Steps for Making Peace with God and Unity with One Another,”  based on the passage. In the evening, members wrote their testimonies and shared them the following morning. Then, members met for regional meetings to prepare for the 2018 ISBC. Afterwards, Pastor Kevin Albright gave a presentation on the Emerging Leaders Cohort and online staff education offered by UBF HQ. Also, we commissioned Dr. Cyril and Dr. Mary Boyd, of Baltimore UBF, to be sent as missionaries to Zambia at the end of August. To conclude the conference, Pastor Abraham Kim, UBF General Director, delivered a message on Exodus 19:4-6, “A Holy Nation,” which he delivered at the 2016 World Mission Report. At each session, wonderful, special music programs were provided by the South Central Region of USA UBF, who hosted the conference. And, Pastor Mark Vucekovich gave prayer topics and announcements. 

Throughout the conference, members prayed based on topics given for North America and each continent. 

North America Prayer Topics: 

  • Student ministry and raising emerging leaders
  • Reaching out to 600 major USA campuses and 100 major Canadian campuses.
  • Raising and sending out missionaries (currently 42 from the USA and 3 from Canada to 21 countries)
  • 2018 North America International Bible Conference to be held August 9-12 at Louisville, Kentucky, followed by a Missionaries-Leaders Conference from August 12-14 at the same place; pray for a theme and program to refresh and encourage world mission coworkers with God’s vision and empower North Americans for God’s kingdom work

Prayer Topics for other Continents: 

  • Africa -- 33 unreached nations, God’s blessing and protection on 12 nations with UBF chapters, Msn. Monica Park’s recovery, and three African regional conferences in July and August of 2017
  • Asia -- 11 unreached nations, coworkers’ protection and recovery of health of sick coworkers
  • CIS -- 7 unreached nations, peace in Ukraine, and God’s protection for missionaries in Russia from new religious laws that restrict activities by protestant organizations
  • Europe -- ministries in Francophone countries, ancestors of faith in all European countries, and the recovery of health of sick coworkers
  • Latin America -- 5 unreached nations; Dr. John and Sarah Jun’s CME ministry from August 23 - November 6, and the recovery of health of sick coworkers and one child, Danny Kim (Campinas, Brazil)
  • Middle East -- 1 Abraham and Sarah in each country, coworkers may conquer Arabic, and ME coordinators’ conference in Cyprus, Dec. 23-26
  • Oceania -- to reach 50 campuses in Oceania, raise native and second-gen leaders, and send out a missionary by 2020

Through the conference, the deep word of God transcended us to the eternal heavenly realm from this tumultuous world with large and small problems that entangle us. We were comforted to see Jesus himself is our peace! Through his cross he put to death all enmity and hostility between God and men and among all human beings. Now, filled with his Spirit, he sends us as his ambassadors of peace for the unity among all nations. Thank you for your prayer support.  

By Dr. Jose Paul Ahn and Yvonne Lee